Gender Equality Monitoring

The focal points of gender equality monitoring are:

  • Describing qualification and selection processes in a gender-differentiated way, i.e. showing how the proportions of women and men develop across different levels. To this end, cross-sectional observations are made and the proportions of men and women at different levels are correlated (e.g., gender profiles and glass ceiling index).
  • to compare selected results with national averages in the sense of benchmarking, adjusted for the subject groups not represented at GU (especially engineering sciences). Since the specific subject structure at GU suggests a somewhat higher proportion of women, the national average does not serve as a reference value in the sense of a target value to be aimed for, but rather as the marker of a lower limit.
  • the monitoring of target achievement. This means the comparison of actual values with target values, which are formulated on the basis of the cascade model.
  • faculty and subject-specific data analyses and ranking with national
  • Observing the participation of women in selection, management and decision-making committees.
  • In the future: the advanced postdoc phases (R2/R3).

You can find more information about this on the Intranet Faculties at a Glance (German).

For more information in German on the topic of gender equality monitoring at universities, please visit the CEWS topic page.