Gender & Diversity Consulting for Research Alliances


Gender & Diversity Consulting for Research Alliances

Excellent science needs equal opportunities. In order to promote equity in collaborative research, research alliances of DFG and LOEWE can apply for special funding. These funds aim to support the careers of female scientists, to reconcile family and career, and to raise awareness among all university member.

Gender & Diversity Consulting is a joint position of Goethe University and various research alliances. We offer consulting regarding equal opportunities in fund application and coordinate gender equality and diversity activities with and for research alliances.


Equal Opportunities in Research Proposals

Equal opportunities are an essential element of successful research, and thus an integral part of modern application procedures.

Proposals for funding through the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Hessian LOEWE Programme require that applicants present their own efforts as well as the university's activities on gender and diversity. In addition, the relevance of sex, gender, and diversity for the research content must be reflected in proposals submitted to the DFG and EU Horizon Europe. A convincing gender equality strategy is therefore part of a successful application for research funding.

The Gender & Diversity Consulting for Research Alliances supports all of Goethe University's proposal initiatives in this regard.

Goethe University's Central Gender Equality & Diversity Action Plan (“Zentraler Aktionsplan Chancengleichheit 2019-2014", in German only) is a “Gender Equality Plan" (GEP) in accordance with the EU research funding programme Horizon Europe.

Our Support for You Includes:

* Advice on how to create a gender equality and diversity concept for your project
* Data and information on equal opportunities
* Support with draft und full proposals on equality and diversity
* Support with on-site reviews


Relevance of Sex, Gender and Diversity in Research

In 2020, the German Research Foundation (DFG) introduced a new chapter, "Relevance of sex, gender and diversity in research", in their application procedure. In addition to the chapter and module on equal opportunities, this section asks to reflect the relevance of sex, gender and diversity in the content of the proposed project (e.g. in relation to the research group, animal experiments, or transfer).This is particularly important in social and life sciences. If there is no relevance of sex, gender, and/or diversity for the research project content, no information must be provided.

Further information, with examples and checklists, can be found on  DFG's page (German Research Foundation).

We consult you on writing the chapter and help to reflect the relevance of sex, gender, and diversity for your research project.

For more information on the topic and how to incorporate the reflection into your research, please check out our guideline “Sex, Gender and Diversity in Research. A Guideline for Research Proposals". 


Offer for Research Alliances

Research alliances at Goethe University are invited to join the "Gender &Diversity Consulting for Research Alliances".

The Gender & Diversity Consulting for Research Alliances supports the research projects with in-depth knowledge and expertise. Participating alliances benefit in several ways: networking and exchange opportunities, consulting for the project management and coordination as well as specialized offers for scientists within the research project. Employees of the participating alliances have access to information events, a monthly newsletter, and further services, such as coaching and workshops on various topics.

Currently, fourteen DFG, LOEWE and HMWK funded research alliances are part of the Gender & Diversity Consulting. Participation can be financed through the equal opportunity funds from the alliance. Please contact us for further information.


Services of the Gender & Diversity Consulting

Annual needs assessment and planning

  • Needs assessment among employees
  • Yearly planning of activities
  • Survey of activities

Advice and support

  • Individual counseling of employees
  • Consulting for coordination and management
  • Support in the planning and implementation of measures
  • Procurement of speakers, trainers, etc.


  • Annual network meetings 
  • Connecting with other service centers and stakeholders
  • Integration into the nationwide Gender Consulting network
  • Newsletter with offers and activities

Measures and Activities

  • Creating concepts, e.g. international mentoring trips, role model lunch talks or gender and diversity sensitive hiring processes
  • Coaching Pool
  • Events, such as lectures or awareness training