Dual Career

Counselling Offer

  • Professional orientation and career planning
  • Developing an individual search strategy
  • Introduction to the local job market
  • Help with job-related networking
  • Support during application processes
  • Information on opportunities for further training

Eligible Persons and Initial Contact

Eligible persons

The counselling service is aimed at the partners of:

  • Newly appointed professors
  • Postdocs, international or with family responsibilities
    (start of employment max. 1 year ago, contract duration at least 2 years)
  • Research assistants of the participating research associations

Initial contact

Dr. Jana Bäuerlen 
Dual Career Service Frankfurt

Phone: +49 69 798-18 113

Eligible persons

The counselling service is aimed at the partners of all new employees.

Initial contact

Karen Mettlach

Human Resources

Phone: +49 (0)69-1533-3252

Eligible persons

The counseling service is aimed at the partners of all new employees.

Initial contact

Jessica Olbrich 
Central Administration 

Phone: +49 (0)69-24708-103


The quality of counselling is ensured through constant training, expanding networks with other universities, regional associations and institutions as well as contacts with potential employers.
The DCN-RM is a regional network that currently consists of 39 universities, non-university research institutions, and commercial enterprises in the Rhine-Main Region. The cooperation provides an important basis for helping dual career couples find qualified jobs.

Goethe University Frankfurt am Main is a founding member of DCN-RM.

The DCND is the central contact platform for dual career support in the German academic landscape and stands for professional advice for dual career partners. As nationwide network of dual career experts, offers the organization networking opportunities and support for the topic of dual careers in Germany.

Cooperations at Goethe University

The DCSF is a building block of a larger welcome service concept at Goethe University and cooperates with other institutions of the university.

The GWC is the central advice center for international professors, post-docs, and doctoral students at Goethe University. For all questions on non-academic matters such as visa applications or housing searches, the GWC can either help directly or refere to service points within and outside the university.
The Family Service in the Equal Opportunities Office supports all members of Goethe University on issues related to childcare and caring for dependents.
The Research Support (RS) is the main point of contact for questions about research proposals, thirdparty funded research projects, scientific career development and research transfer.
The FmF network at Goethe University connects professional women from science and business fields. The aim is to establish a platform on campus to enable interested women to exchange contacts and information informally.

Orientation in Frankfurt

In addition to the individual counselling, you will find useful information and links to help you get started in Frankfurt. This way, you can work toward your successful arrival in Frankfurt on your own initiative and obtain further information.

Literature and Media Coverage

Here you will find a selection of publications on the topic of Dual Career (mainly in German): 

Current and Collected Coverage of Dual Career in German Press and Radio:

Interesting Websites and Tools:


Dual Career Service Frankfurt

Dr. Jana Bäuerlen

Phone: +49 69 798-18 113

Visiting address:
Campus Westend, SKW-Building 
Room 05.C103
Rostocker Str. 2
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Postal address:
Equal Opportunities Office
Goethe University Frankfurt a.M.
Postbox 227
60629 Frankfurt am Main