Welcome to the Department!

The paths of national and international students and scholars intersect at our department. Viewing the latter as an institution of research and teaching, we strive to engage in dialogue particularly with university representatives from those parts of the world which are at the focus of our studies. In addition, we welcome any dialogue with national and international scholars and students who share our interest in both historical and current topics of modern social and cultural anthropology.

In 2015, the Rhine-Main Universities (RMU) formed a strategic alliance. Within the framework of this alliance we collaborate cloely with colleagues at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (particularly the Department of Social Anthropology and African Studies) and the Technical University Darmstadt.

There are various roads that may take you to the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology. In the following, we will show you some options which will lead you to our department depending on your individual interests and goals. Please discuss your ideas individually with the contact persons either at the department or at the International Office.

Research and Academic Cooperation

You are an international researcher or representative of a research institution and interested in scholarly dialogue with our staff members? We regularly invite international researchers to present their ongoing research or recent findings in various fields of anthropology in one of our department’s lecture series. We also invite guest scholars to our department, encourage joint research projects with our staff members, or establish institutional cooperation with faculties and departments that share our fields of interest and approach to anthropology. For further information on interntional cooperation please contact Baktygul Tulebaeva.

Studying at the Department

You want to enrol for one of the BA or MA programmes at our department? At the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology we welcome all prospective students, and we delight in having a heterogeneous crowd of students.

The department's Online Studienwahl Assistent (OSA) gives you a first overview and thus a basis of decision-making if you consider enrolling in the Bachelor's programme in social and cultural anthropology (german only). OSA helps you to learn more about the subject specifics of the discipline, about the qualifications and interests you ought to bring with you as a student, and the job perspectives open to you after graduation. At the same time, various video sequences give you the opportunity to catch a first glimpse of the teachers and students at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology in Frankfurt.

If you have acquired your university entrance qualification in a foreign country or at an international school in Germany, please turn to the International Office to ascertain the specific requirements for your university admission in Germany.

With few exceptions, German is both the language of instruction at the department and the language used in administration. The courses offered in English language can be found here. In order for your academic training to be successful, it is thus essential that you either have German language skills (Level C1) or are willing to acquire these during the first phase of your studies. For German language requirements, please see https://www.goethe-university-frankfurt.de/67109673/German_language_requirements.


If you are a student at an ERASMUS partner university and coming to our department in the context of an ERASMUS exchange, please get in touch with our programme coordinator Judit Tavakoli. Student contact persons are available as well: the members of the student council are looking forward to your visit in the council room.

The International Office provides general information for international students participating in organized exchange programmes (e.g. ERASMUS).

PhD at the Department

Our department and various affiliated, third-party funded research projects provide a setting in which many PhD candidates meet before, between, and after intensive fieldwork trips in order to network, exchange ideas, and jointly advance their projects.

Would you like to conduct your dissertation project at our department? Please select and contact the professor whom you want to supervise your PhD project. There is no central application or admissions for doctoral students. The decision to accept doctoral students is made solely by the accepting academic department, with the academic supervisor playing a key role.

  • For general information on taking your doctoral degree at our department, please contact our PhD student counsellor, Markus Lindner.
  • For general information on doing your doctorate at the Goethe University, please visit the respective pages of the university and the respective pages of the faculty.

Teaching at the Department

Our department regularly hires external academics (PhD required) to teach one or several courses at the department. Applications by international scholars are welcome and teaching in English language is appreciated. If you wish to join our academic staff as a visiting lecturer please contact Ronja Metzger-Ajah with a proposal including your CV and detailed information on the course you intend to teach.
