

The chair works closely with a number of institutions and persons:

Center for Applied Jurisprudence (ZAR)/ Institute for Information Law and Economic Law, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

The Center for Applied Legal Studies (ZAR) is the umbrella organization for the field of law at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). In addition to supporting the teaching of law at the various faculties, the Institute for Information and Business Law is an essential part of the ZAR. It is part of the Faculty of Computer Science and conducts research and teaching at the interface of information technology and law. It focuses on legal issues raised by digitalization and global networking in the national and international information society. 

Max-Planck-Institute for Research on Common Goods, Bonn.

The Max Planck Institute for the Study of Common Goods in Bonn is concerned with the problems that arise in the trade of public goods. The institute works on these issues in an interdisciplinary manner, from the perspective of economics, law and psychology. Initially, the focus was on issues of environmental protection, while today antitrust law and the regulation and stability of financial markets are other important fields of application.

IT Competence Center for Applied Safety Technology (KASTEL)

The Competence Center for Applied Security Technology (KASTEL) in Karlsruhe is a cooperation of various chairs of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation (IOSB), the Research Center for Information Technology (FZI) and other partners in the region. It is one of three cybersecurity research centers across Germany initiated by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in March 2011. KASTEL's goal is to drive the development of secure applications in an end-to-end, unified process, and to do so against the backdrop of entirely new demands on IT security - caused by smart infrastructures, increased networking and ever more complex informatics in all areas of life.