Equal Opportunities Office

Equal Opportunities at Goethe University

Goethe University's goal is to establish equal opportunities throughout all areas of the university and to change university structures to align with the concept of a gender- and diversity-sensitive organisational culture.

Responsible for the implementation of equal opportunities at the central level is the Equal Opportunities Office, with its Equal Opportunities, Family & Dual Career, and Diversity & Anti-Discrimination Center.


Central Documents

In planning cycles of approximately two-year, the faculties analyze the gender equality situations in their areas and plan new measures on gender equality and diversity. They also document and evaluate the implementation of measures that are already underway or have been completed. The planning and reporting tools developed by Gender & Diversity Controlling provide a structure for this. In addition, the faculties are supported by the Equal Opportunities Office in the various phases of the planning process.


Equal Opportunities Office 

(Büro für Chancengerechtigkeit)
Goethe University Frankfurt

Phone.: +49 69 798-15137
Fax: 069/798-763-15137
Mail: chancengerechtigkeit@uni-frankfurt.de

Visiting adress

SKW-Building | 5th floor
Rostocker Str. 2
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Postal address

Equal Opportunities Office 

(Büro für Chancengerechtigkeit)
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M.
Hauspostfach 227
60629 Frankfurt am Main