Alan Marx

Room 3.G 154

Hauspostfach 23
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60629 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 798-36595

Please arrange appointments via Email.

Vita (excerpt)

since 2024 Research Assistant at the Institute for Democracy and Participation Research (Head: Prof. Dr. Detlef Sack), University Wuppertal

since 2023

Research and Teaching Assistant the chair for Comparative Politics focusing on the Federal Republic of Germany within the European Context (Head: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Geißel), Goethe University Frankfurt am Main


Master of Arts degree in Sociology, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

2022 - 2023

Student assistant at the Democratic Innovations Research Unit (Head: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Geißel), Goethe University Frankfurt am Main


Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science with a minor in Sociology, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

Research Interests

  • Deliberative Democracy
  • Political Participation
  • Mini-Publics
  • Governance


Rikki Dean, Alan Marx, Indira Latorre, Santiago Niño, Felipe Rey, Su Yun Woo and Ming Zhuang (2024) Spotlighting the Backstage Governance of Citizens' Assemblies: Lessons from East Asia, Europe and Latin America. Global Citizens' Assembly Network (GloCAN) Technical Paper No. 1/2024. Available at:


SoSe 2024

Proseminar: Political Participation beyond Elections