Dr. Petra Guasti


Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

DFG/ANR-Projekt: Political Representative Claims - A Global View (France, Germany, Brazil, India, China)

Raum: PEG 3.G 004
Tel. +49 69 798-36602
E-Mail: guasti@soz.uni-frankfurt.de

Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main

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Vita of Dr. Petra Guasti

Dr. Petra Guasti is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Research Unit ‘Democratic Innovations’ working on a DFG-ANR project: (New) Political Representative Claims: A Global View (France, Germany, Brazil, India, and China).

She previously held research and teaching positions at the University of Bremen (2005-2008), University of Wurzburg (2008-2011), University of Mainz (2011-2016), the Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences (2011-2016) and a visiting position at the Queen’s University Belfast School of Law (2016).

Dr. Guasti holds an M.A. in Society and Politics from Lancaster University (2002), a PhD in political sociology from the Charles University (2007) and PhD in political science from Bremen University (2014). Her research stays include among others University of Essex (UK), EUI (Italy), Soochow University (Taiwan), Arizona State University (USA) and most recently Queens University of Belfast School of Law (UK). She is a Co-convener of the Standing Group Central and Eastern European Politics of the European Consortium for Political Research.

Dr. Guasti has experience in teaching internationally (Germany, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Taiwan, USA) and  has collaborated substantially with civil society and international organization domestically and internationally, most importantly in the area of democracy promotion and gender equality (Bertelsmann Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Council of Europe, Forum 50%, Via Foundation, and Vodafone Foundation).

Her main research focus is democracy, more specifically on the growing tension within the system of representative democracy in respect to its legitimacy. Her main interests are the study of structures, actors and processes that enable more participation of citizens, leading to more inclusiveness of representative democracy. She has an ongoing interest in civil society and human rights.

Research Interests:

Democratic theory

Democratic innovations

Civil society

Human Rights


Recent publications (2015-2017):

Guasti, P., & Mansfeldová, Z. (2017). Schicksalswende?. In  A. Croissant, S. Kneip, A. Petring. Demokratie, Diktatur, Gerechtigkeit (pp. 199-219). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.

Guasti, P. (2016). Development of citizen participation in Central and Eastern Europe after the EU  enlargement and economic crises. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 49(3), 219-231. IF 0,3018.

Guasti, P., Siroky, D., Stockemer, D. (2016). Judgement without Justice:  On the Efficacy of the European Human Rights Regime, Democratisation, forthcoming. IF 0,779.

Guasti, P., Z. Mansfeldová (2015). Comparative Discourse Analysis of the Security-Privacy Dilemma: Salience of Security Issues in Printed Media. Ciencia e Technica Vitivinicola, Vol. 30, No. 10, pp. 127-156. IF 0,368.

Guasti, P., Muno, W., Niemann, A. (2015). „Introduction – EU Simulations as a Multi-Dimensional Resource: From Teaching and Learning Tool to Research Instrument”,  European Political Science, 14 (1): 1-13. IF 0,705

 Manuscript  Reviewer pro Swiss Political Science Review, Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, East European Politics and Societies, Czech Journal of Political Science, Gender and Research.


Recent Expert Studies, Policy Papers (2015-2017):

Guasti, P.,  Mansfeldová, Z., Myant, M., Bönker, F. (2016). Sustainable Governance Indicators 2016. Czech Republic Report. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung Publishing House. 29 p.

Guasti, P., Mansfeldová, Z., (2016). Bertelsmann Transformation Index – BTI 2016. Czech Republic Report. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung. 39 p

Guasti, P., Z. Mansfeldová, M. Myant and F. Bönker (2015). Sustainable Governance Indicators. 2015 Czech Republic Report. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 29 p.


Recent Guest Lectures (2015-2017):

Guasti, P. (2017). Analyzing Political Communication: Uses of  Atlas.ti, EHESS Paris 12.1.2017

Guasti, P. (2016). New Representative Claims,  FIW Kolloquium, Bonn, 5.11. 2016.

Guasti, P. (2016). Analyzing Political Communication with Atlas.ti, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Kleve, 5.12.2016

Guasti, P. Geissel, B., Joschko, V. (2016). Developing Typology of (New) Representative Claims. Concepta Research Seminar: Comparing Concepts of Representation, Paris, 18.-19. 12.2016

Guasti, P. (2016). Democracy, Rule of Law and Media in Central and Eastern Europe
13th Frankfurt Days on Media Law 2016 Panel Media Diversity in eastern and South-eastern Europe,  Frankfurt (Oder) 27.1.2016.

Guasti, P. (2015). Efficacy of European Court of Human Rights. Melikian Center for Russian, Eurasian and East European Studies. Arizona State University, Phoenix, 10.4.2016.


Recent Conference and Workshop Contributions (2015-2017):

Guasti, P. (2017). Representtaive Claims Analysis. (New) Political Representative Claims: A Global View,  CLAIMS Launching Conference, Paris, 9.-11.01.2017.

Guasti, P., Mansfeldová, Z. (2016). Parliaments and Interest Representation: The Case of the Czech Republic. Paper presented at 24th World Congress of Political Science (IPSA) 2016 in Poznan, Poland, 23-28 July, 2016, panel RC08.02 European Legislatures/Developments.

Mansfeldová, Z., Guasti, P. (2016). Reversal of Fortunes: Transformation and Consolidation of Democracy in the Czech and Slovak Republics. Paper presented at 24th World Congress of Political Science (IPSA) 2016 in Poznan, Poland, 23-28 July, 2016, panel RC16.04 Illiberal Turn in European Pluralist Democracies.

Mansfeldová, Z., Guasti, P. (2016). Measurement models of democracy and their applications. Paper presented on the conference „Globální konflikty a lokální souvislosti“, Prague, 7. – 9. November 2016.

Guasti, P. (2015). European Integration as a Cosmopolitan Challenge.   International Conference Risk Society and Global Threats, Prague 10. 11. 2015.

Guasti, P. (2015). Baltic Russian speakers lost in translation: Comparison of minority rights discourses of Latvia, European Union and Russia. Jean Monnet Conference on EU-Russia Relations, St. Petersburg, 26-27 June 2015