03.06. - 04.06.2024

The CLOUD online Data & CLOUD17 planning Workshop (zoom) took place from 3 to 4 June, as a virtual event. More than 40 researchers from CLOUD Collaboration, including CLOUD-DOC DCs, participated in the meeting.

DCs of CLOUD-DOC together with other researchers of the CLOUD experiment at CERN presented their concepts for organizing the CLOUD runs.

Calibrations of the instruments and other technical issues were discussed in details.

20.05. - 24.05.2024

From 20 to 24 May, 2024, six CLOUD-Doc fellows visited Aerodyne Research Inc., USA.

During this secondment young researchers learned how the SME is working. The programme of the secondment included many talks from different scientists at Aerodyne research. The fellows conducted experiments and learned new analysis techniques to apply to the data. They had also an opportunity to present their own scientific plans and the EU project CLOUD-DOC at the group meeting.

This visit was supervised by Dr. Manjula R. Canagaratna and Dr. Douglas Worsnop from AERODYNE.

14.05. - 17.05.2024

Six CLOUD-DOC Fellows were participating in the 13th annual CIMS User Meeting, which took place at UT Austin from Tuesday, May 14, 2024 (Tofware tutorial) to Wednesday-Friday, May 15-17, 2024 (Users Meeting).

The meeting is co-organised by Aerodyne, one of the Associated Partners of CLOUD-DOC. It was being hosted by Professors Lea Hildebrandt Ruiz and Pawel Misztal at UT Austin and Yue Zhang from University of Texas A&M.


Dr. Ravishankara, Professor in the Departments of Chemistry and Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University, is visiting the Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany.

Professor Joachim Curtius, Coordinator of CLOUD-DOC, showed Professor Akkihebbal Ramaiah Ravishankara the laboratories and other facilities of the institute and presented the CLOUD project at CERN as well as the EU MSCA project CLOUD-DOC.

26.02 - 01.03.2024

CLOUD-DOC/CLOUD17 Workshop in Vienna

Picture: Prof Joachim Curtius informs the CLOUD community about the progress of the project

From February 26 to March 01, 2024, the CLOUD community met for CLOUD-DOC Collaboration Meeting and Data Workshop in Vienna, Austria.

Fifty researchers from many countries participated in the event. Vienna University, one of CLOUD partners, organised the Workshop. Professor Paul Winkler, Deputy Head of Research Group Aerosol Physics and Environmental Physics of Vienna University, contributed to the success of the event.

Coordinator of the EU Project CLOUD-DOC Professor Joachim Curtius from Frankfurt University informed the community about the progress of the project.

Nearly all of the Doctoral Candidates (DCs) of CLOUD-DOC gave talks on their topics such as “CLOUD16 processed data” (Pedro Rato), “P-SA NPF” (Douglas Russell), “Arctic NPF” (Wenjuan Yu), “Temperature-dependence of particle growth from AVOC” (Boxing Yan), “CLOUD nucleation rates by machine learning” (Pedro Rato), EMAC model simulations of ATAL and AP-SA NPF (Christos Xenofontos), “Previous and future modelling by Stockholm U” (Anouck Chassaing).

All of the DCs were involved in scheduling the CLOUD17 experiment at CERN and in discussing the planned scientific papers.

Many of the former CLOUD-ITN/TRAIN/MOTION young researchers participated in the Workshop.

06.11 - 09.11.2023

Ten students from BORG Mittersill in Austria visited CERN and the CLOUD chamber from November 6th to November 9th, 2023. 

This excursion to CERN was initiated by Armin Hansel, CLOUD-DOC PI at IONICON, and organised by Leander Stark from University of Innsbruck. This educational event was financially supported by "Sparkling Science 2.0" funds.

Six CLOUD-DOC Fellows showed the CLOUD facility to the students and introduced themselves and the project in the presentations:

  • "Why do we grow bananas at CLOUD" (Introduction to CLOUD, Hannah Beckmann)
  • "What clouds and radiation have in common?" (Introduction to radiation, Aleksandra Morawiec)
  • "Falling in love with clouds" (Introduction to Cloud meteorology, Gabriela Unfer)
  • "Key species in our atmosphere" (Zhensen Zheng)
  • "New particle formation in the upper troposphere over the Asian monsoon region" (Introduction to modeling, Christos Xenofontos)
  • "How to design an experiment: From a basic chemistry experiment to the run plan of CLOUD" (Boxing Yang)

Visiting group participated in the working meeting of the running CLOUD experiment and visited the CLOUD control room.

Leander:” Thanks again to everybody for contributing and the engagement. I believe it was a valuable experience to simplify and present the complex concepts we work with at CLOUD to a non scientific audience.

25.09 – 03.12.2023, CERN

The CLOUD16 Experiment took place at CERN from 25 September to 03 December, 2023. 

Picture: FLOTUS at CLOUD. FLOTUS is a 60 litre laminar-flow quartz drift tube of length 3 m in which organic vapours can be aged by exposure to hydroxyl radicals corresponding to several days in the real atmosphere (CLOUD report 2022-23)

Each scientific topic during a campaign was led by a young researcher, so they took on a major leadership role in shaping the experiments and leading the experimental team, supported in the background by more experienced researchers.


CLOUD-DOC MidTerm Review Meeting

The CLOUD-DOC MidTerm Review Meeting took place on October 24, 2023, at CERN. Eleven Fellows, all PIs, the most of the representatives from the Associated Partners of the project as well as External Advisory Committee Members attended this event. This gave the opportunity to Project Officer from the REA (EC) Ms Donini, who visited the CLOUD-DOC MidTerm Review Meeting, to discuss the progress of the project with the participants.

Joachim Curtius, Coordinator of CLOUD-DOC, opened the meeting and invited the participants to introduce themselves and present their roles in the project.

In his presentation Joachim Curtius gave an overview of the progress achieved so far. He reported that the recruitment process was successfully completed, and the project was developing in accordance with its Grant Agreement.

During the meeting each Doctoral Candidate of CLOUD-DOC introduced her/himself to the audience and outlined the future research plans within the project in a brief talk. Afterwards the project fellows could use the opportunity to receive answers to their questions from the Project Officer directly.

Jasper Kirkby, the CLOUD-DOC PI at CERN and CLOUD Experiment Leader, guided the visiting tour to the CLOUD Chamber. In the end of the day the EAC Members Gerhard Steiner and Claudia Stubenrauch explained to the project Fellows their tasks as ombudsmen of the project.

Outcome of the midterm check from Project Officer for download

14.06 - 15.06.2023

CLOUD Collaboration Meeting

From 14 to 15 June, 2023, the CLOUD community met for the CLOUD Collaboration Meeting and CLOUD16 Planning Workshop in Grasellenbach, Germany.

This CLOUD event was organised by Goethe University Frankfurt, coordinator of CLOUD-DOC, as a part of the 1st CLOUD-DOC Summer School. 

More than fifty scientists participated in this collaboration event. The remote participation via zoom platform in high quality was granted due the technical support from Frankfurt University (many thanks to Mario Simon).    

Early Stage Researches of CLOUD-DOC gave talks on their research topics such as "Biogenic-anthropogenic interaction“ (Boxing Yang), "Arctic NPF (including MSA) (Wenjuan Yu), "CHARGE2” (Pedro Rato), "Upper tropospheric nucleation over the Amazon” (Douglas Russell).

All of the ESRs were involved in scheduling the CLOUD16 experiment at CERN.

Also, former ESRs of the MSCA project CLOUD-MOTION participated in the meeting. To have contact to them was of great importance for the new generation of the aerosol scientists, starting their careers with CLOUD-DOC.

12.06 - 20.06.2023

1st CLOUD-DOC Summer School

The 1st CLOUD-DOC Summer School took place from June 12 to June 20, 2023, in Grasellenbach, Germany. It was organised by Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. Nine of fourteen students, participated the training event, are ESRs of CLOUD-DOC.

Leading scientist in the research field of atmospheric aerosols, representatives of the partner institutions of CLOUD-DOC Armin Hansel (IONICON), Imad El Haddad (PSI), Theo Christoudias (CyI), Jasper Kirkby (CERN), Mira Pöhlker (TROPOS), Neil Donahue (Carnegie Mellon University), Doug Worsnop (Aerodyne Res.), Ottmar Möhler (KIT), Alexander Vogel (Frankfurt University), João Almeida Simões (CERN) gave scientific talks, seminars, and supervised courses on scientific writing.

Carine Chisu, an experienced trainer and facilitator, who has specialised in Creative Thinking, gave training on creative problem solving. The course was highly appreciated by the participants.

Coordinator of CLOUD-DOC Joachim Curtius from Frankfurt University gave a talk on good scientific practise. He also initiated and chaired the session on the Global Climate Change. Students prepared presentations to this hot scientific and political topic of our days. The discussion on solving the contradiction between the further technical developments and saving our planet, showed the interest of the young scientists to this question.

In order to proceed with the dissemination, communication and exploitation of the CLOUD-DOC results, Lucía Caudillo-Plath presented to the students of the Summer School the achievements in project outreach during the CLOUD-MOTION project. New ideas such as developing a computer game were discussed during the session.   


Congratulations to Jiali Shen and Federico Bianchi!

Jiali Shen, one of the former ESRs of the EU MSCA project CLOUD-MOTION, has successfully defended her PhD thesis “Oxidation of Dimethyl Sulfide and Iodine in the Marine Atmosphere, and their Contribution to new Particle Formation.

Associate Prof. Federico Bianchi, one of the former ESRs of the EU MSCA project CLOUD-ITN, acted as the Custos (main supervisor).


From February 13 to February 17, 2023, the CLOUD community met for the CLOUD Data Workshop and the CLOUD-DOC Collaboration Meeting in Bad Zurzach, Switzerland.

Paul Scherer Institute (PSI), one of the CLOUD-DOC partners organised the meeting. Imad El Hadad and Lubna Dada from PSI contributed to the success of the event.


Coordinator of the EU Project CLOUD-DOC Professor Joachim Curtius from Frankfurt University informed the community about the progress in the project.

Pedro Rato, Early Stage Researcher of CLOUD-DOC at CERN, co-organised the meeting. He gave a talk on the DAQ system of the CLOUD project.


The Consortium Agreement of CLOUD DOC has been finalised.


CLOUD-DOC Kick-off meeting took place at CERN as a part of the CLOUD Collaboration Meeting.

During the CLOUD-DOC Kick-off meeting Joachim Curtius, Project Coordinator, University of Frankfurt, initiated to take the formal decision on establishing the Supervisory Board of CLOUD-DOC. The main task of the SB is to co-ordinate CLOUD-DOC’s network-wide training activities. According to the Grant Agreement it consists of the Network Coordinator, representatives from each beneficiary (all senior scientists in charge of the DC supervision), representatives from all partner organizations, members of the External Advisory Committee and two elected DC representatives.
It was agreed to establish the SB as proposed. There were no objections, questions, or suggestions to the proposed SB.

12.09 – 27.11.2022, CERN

The CLOUD15 Experiment took place at CERN as it was planned by the CLOUD consortium earlier this year. Two young researchers of CLOUD-DOC participated in CLOUD15 Experiment already.


Start of the EU MSCA project CLOUD-DOC