Flexible childcare

The supervised children's room ('Betreutes Kinderzimmer') at the Westend Campus

In addition to regular forms of childcare, Goethe University has a flexible form of childcare at the Westend location: the 'Betreutes Kinderzimmer'. The supervised children's room is located in the bottom floor of the Campus Kita daycare center, Gisèle-Freund-Platz 1, 60629 Frankfurt, Westend Campus.

  • Hourly care by pedagogical staff after initial interview and acclimatization
  • Maximum of 10 hours per week for 5 children
  • Opening hours: monday - friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 
  • Costs per commenced hour: 2.50 € for students, or 5.00 € for employees

Balkisse Karuti
Tel.: +49 151 18656089
Email:  kinderzimmer-westend@uni-frankfurt.de

 Free emergency childcare for students

Since 2022, the Studierendenwerk Frankfurt am Main has been cooperating with the childcare service provider "pme Familienservice", which operates an emergency childcare facility with qualified staff in Frankfurt's Westend district.  

  • Students can have their children aged 0 to 12 years looked after here on a short-term basis by the hour Monday to Friday between 8 am and 6 pm and Saturday between 9 am and 5 pm
  • Registration is made via hotline at 0800/801007080 no later than 6pm the evening before the care

The offer is intended exclusively for students who are matriculated at the universities affiliated with the Studierendenwerk Frankfurt am Main. The emergency childcare is also free of charge for students. You can find further information here (link in German only). 

​Flexible childcare in Frankfurt

On the following pages you can get an overview of the range of flexible childcare options in Frankfurt (all links in German only):

'Tagesfamilien Frankfurt'

  • Municipal platform for childcare by a childminder

Further Information can be found on this Website.

'Haus der Volksarbeit e.V. Zentrum für Beratung, Erziehung und Bildung'

  • Childcare ( nurseries, Kitas and day care for children)

'Notmütterdienst Familien- und Seniorenhilfe e.V'

  • Childcare in emergency situations (emergency nanny, childminder, event childcare, round-the-clock childcare)

'Humanitas Pflegeservice GmbH'

  • Childcare (for working parents [in private households], au pair, homework supervision and tutoring, substitute mum for emergencies, childminder, babysitter, emergency childcare)

'JOBRUF' (Jobcall)

  • Mediation of babysitters