Maternity Protection Portal 


Statutory maternity protection provisions

The Act on the Protection of Mothers at Work, in Training and at University – Maternity Protection Act (Gesetz zum Schutz von Müttern bei der Arbeit, in der Ausbildung und im Studium – Mutterschutzgesetz (MuSchG)) has been in force since 01.01.2018. The act protects the health of women and their children at the place of work, training and study during pregnancy, after childbirth and while breastfeeding.

Protection periods

As a rule, the maternity protection period commences six weeks before the due date and continues until eight weeks after childbirth. The protection period after childbirth is extended to twelve weeks in the event of a premature or multiple birth.

During this period, staff are not allowed to work and students may not participate in courses or exams. However, at their express request, staff may forego this protection in the period before the child's birth and students for the entire period by expressly declaring their willingness to work during this time or to participate in courses and exams. This declaration can be revoked at any time.

Breastfeeding mothers additionally enjoy special rights in the first year after childbirth. They are entitled to breaks (“release time") of at least half an hour twice a day or one hour once a day to breastfeed their child. Furthermore, they are not allowed to work with certain hazardous substances, be assigned to piecework or work on assembly lines, or perform physically exerting tasks.

Notification of pregnancy

Goethe University Frankfurt can only fulfil its obligations in the context of maternity protection if you notify the university that you are pregnant. In your own interest, we therefore recommend that you inform us early on so that protective measures or compensation for disadvantages can be agreed and implemented in good time. There is a special obligation to show cooperation in areas where a specific risk is to be expected. If in doubt, please contact Occupational Health and Safety.

Information for specific target groups

As the statutory provisions on maternity protection for staff and students each have very specific implications, you can find information below for the respective target groups

Students at Goethe University Frankfurt

With the amendment of the Maternity Protection Act that came into force at the beginning of 2018, students are also covered by the statutory maternity protection provisions for the first time. On the following pages, you can learn the ins and outs of maternity protection for students and which provisions you should be familiar with.

Staff at Goethe University Frankfurt

Staff at Goethe University Frankfurt can find all key information on the website of the Staff Services Department:

Unfortunately, the information provided by the Staff Services Department is currently only available in German. If you have any questions, please contact your HR administrator directly for personal advice.

Persons responsible in the faculties

The faculties play a central role in implementing maternity protection measures for students. On the following pages, the persons in the faculties responsible for this can find the most important information regarding procedures.