Frankfurt Specialties

The City of Frankfurt am Main

A metropolis on a miniature scale: Frankfurt is more than just stock exchange, skyline and airport. Global thinking and local traditions go hand in hand. An international audience encounters village structures as well as active clubs and associations. Whether opera and theatre, zoo and Palmengarten botanical gardens, sport and museums, international trade fairs or quaint cider taverns – the centre of the Rhine-Main region has something to offer for almost every taste. In short: Frankfurt definitely deserves a second glance!

City of Frankfurt website

​Goethe University Frankfurt

Goethe University Frankfurt, a higher education institution strong in research, is situated in the economic metropolis of Frankfurt am Main. It combines an urban and liberal-minded academic culture with research into key social issues. Established in 1914 as Germany’s first foundation university, it today numbers among the largest universities in Germany. The new Westend Campus, which is also home to the social sciences, is considered the most beautiful and modern campus in Europe. First-class digital infrastructures form the basis for an excellently equipped network of libraries, which also includes the German National Library. With its internationally renowned institutes, centres and focus areas, Goethe University Frankfurt proves its strengths in research and teaching every day. Its comprehensive range of subjects allows for unique interdisciplinary exchange. Close contacts to business and politics contribute to solving concrete societal challenges.

​The Faculty of Social Sciences

The Faculty of Social Sciences is one of the largest, most traditional and highest performing social science institutions in Germany.

The faculty feels strongly committed to its tradition of critical social science, whereby the breadth of philosophy of science orientations and specialisation in the individual subjects have greatly expanded. Characteristic elements of the social sciences in Frankfurt are:

  • Pronouncedly theory-led research and teaching
  • Expertise in quantitative and qualitative social research methods
  • Permeability of subject boundaries and partial integration of the Sociology and Political Science degree programmes

During your studies, you will have the opportunity to set your own priorities and further deepen your knowledge in a specific area.

Faculty Profile

Faculty History

Faculty Partnerships

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