Invite Postgraduates from Abroad

Many of the faculty's existing ERASMUS partnerships also offer the opportunity to sponsor stays for foreign doctoral students at Goethe University. PhD students from the partner universities, which have the addition "PhD" in their list, can also be invited to Goethe University. If you would like to invite PhD students from another university, please contact the Department of International Affairs at the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Such an invitation requires the informal approval of the professional support of a professor and a subsequent application by the foreign doctoral candidate to the Global Office of Goethe University. In principle, it is possible for foreign doctoral candidates to obtain ECTS credits through the provision of study credits that must be previously agreed via a Learning Agreement. This can be done, for example, by attending a colloquium. However, no ECTS credits can be earned for research or research services.

The DAAD's PROMOS scholarship also provides funding for research stays or language courses offered by foreign doctoral candidates.

Credits (top to bottom): Jürgen Lecher, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.