Gender & diversity in science

Gender and diversity dimensions in research and teaching

The interdisciplinary and internationally oriented Cornelia Goethe Center for Gender Studies offers many events and services in addition to networking. In addition, Goethe University funds research projects by early-career academics with the Small Gender Projects to the tune of EUR 20,000 each year. Reflecting on gender and diversity is also an important part of research and teaching in many disciplines.

This relevance is set out, for example, in the Code of Academic Practice and the paper "Considering Gender/Sex & Diversity in Science and Research" at Goethe University. The Equal Opportunities Office provides the digital guide "Sex, Gender and Diversity in Research Proposals" for research projects and applications in particular.

"Small Gender Projects" at Goethe University

Contact person

Dr. Katrin Springsgut 
Deputy Head of the Equal Opportunities Office
Equality Officer

Phone: +49 69 798-18 132
Campus Westend, SKW-Building
Room 05.C108


Equal Opportunities Office 

(Büro für Chancengerechtigkeit)
Goethe University Frankfurt

Phone.: +49 69 798-15137
Fax: 069/798-763-15137

Visiting adress

SKW-Building | 5th floor
Rostocker Str. 2
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Postal address

Equal Opportunities Office 

(Büro für Chancengerechtigkeit)
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M.
Hauspostfach 227
60629 Frankfurt am Main