Dr. Baktygul Shabdan (née Tulebaeva)

Teaching and Research Associate

Tel.: +49 (0) 69 / 798-33066
Fax: +49 (0) 69 / 798-33065
Email: shabdan (at) em.uni-frankfurt.de
Room: IG 552
Office hours: Tuesdays, 2-4 pm, registration by Email

Research focus

Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan), South Asia (India), anthropology of childhood and personhood, anthropology of Islam, Sufism in India, online religion, medical anthropology

Contact person for the area "Central Asia"

Central Asia is a geographically and culturally diverse region stretching from west to east from the Caspian Sea to China and Mongolia, and from north to south from Russia to Afghanistan and Iran. The entire region is topologically diverse and includes high mountain ranges such as the Tian Shan, grassy steppes, deserts, as well as subtropical and semi-arid regions.

Historically, Central Asia is associated with pastoral nomads who have developed special forms of adaptation to their environment. Some of these social and cultural characteristics of the nomadic way of life remain relevant today or have adapted over time to changing conditions.

Traditionally, Central Asia is identified with the region through which the routes of the so-called "Great Silk Road" once ran. It connected Asia and Europe and enabled exchanges of different cultures. From a political perspective, the term Central Asia refers primarily to the five post-Soviet republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. For most of the 20th century, this part of Central Asia was ruled and governed first by the Russian Empire and then by the Soviet Union. The collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s led to a sudden transition from a planned economy to a market economy. This so-called transformation period had profound socio-economic and cultural consequences. At the same time, the revival of values defined as “traditional" and the return to Islam in the region have resulted in a unique combination of ethnographic characteristics that offer a broad spectrum for social and cultural anthropological research.

From an anthropological point of view, we are particularly interested in local expressions of social and political formations, variations of everyday Islam, the role of “ethnic" classifications in political communities, various pastoral and agricultural economic practices, as well as nomadic and sedentary lifestyles. So far, research has been carried out on topics such as: mobile lifestyle, human-nature relationships, yurts and material culture, holy places, land and water resources, kinship, the role of tribal orders in socio-political life, life-cycle rituals and celebrations, the revival of Islam, the role of women and children, traditional medicine, labor migration and much more.

We have been working with partner universities in Central Asia (see below) for a long time. Students have the opportunity to visit these institutions as part of exchange programs and be supervised for short-term field research.


American University of Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan
International University of Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan
Deutsch-Kasachische Universität, Kazakhstan
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
The University of Isfahan, Iran

>South Asia

Academic career

2017 PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Research Project: ‘Born Kyrgyz, Raised as Russians and Buried as Arabs: Negotiating Childhood and Personhood in Kyrgyzstan
2009 Master of Science in Social Anthropology, University of Edinburgh
Research Project: 'Cross-cultural study of the concept of child well-being'


Monographs and edited books

2023Born Kyrgyz, Raised as Russians and Buried as Arabs. Negotiating Childhood and Personhood in Kyrgyzstan. Volume 23. SFB 1070 RessourcenKulturen. Tübingen University Press

2022                   Dynamics of Speaking and Doing Religion (with Deepak Kumar Ojha). Volume 18. SFB 1070 RessourcenKulturen. Tübingen University Press

Book chapters and journal articles

2023 Early Childhood Health Care in Rural Kyrgyzstan. In: Faux de la Croix, J. & Reeves, M. (Eds.). The Central Asian World. Routledge

2022 Introduction. In: Tulebaeva, B. & Ojha, D. K. (Eds.). Dynamics of Speaking and Doing Religion. Volume 18. SFB 1070 RessourcenKulturen. Tübingen University Press, pp. 7-18


Islam as a Parallel Tradition in Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan. In: Tulebaeva, B. & Ojha, D. K. (Eds.). Dynamics of Speaking and Doing Religion. Volume 18. SFB 1070 RessourcenKulturen. Tübingen University Press, pp. 103-113

2020 Research Ethics (Izildöönun Etikasy). In: Toktogulova, M. (Ed.). Scientific Research Methods: Handbook on Social and Human Sciences. Bishkek: Online University, pp. 28-43 (in Kyrgyz)


Methodological Foundation of Research (Izildöönün Usulduk Paidubaly). In: Toktogulova, M. (Ed.). Scientific Research Methods: Handbook on Social and Human Sciences. Bishkek: Online University, pp. 61-77 (in Kyrgyz)


Interview Strategies (Interview Aluu Strategialary). In: Toktogulova, M. (Ed.). Scientific Research Methods: Handbook on Social and Human Sciences. Bishkek: Online University, pp. 91-113 (in Kyrgyz, co-authored with Gulzat Bayalieva)


In Search of the Good Life. Value Conflicts and Dilemmas in the Practice of Islam in Kochkor, Kyrgyzstan. In: Hardenberg, R. (Ed.). Approaching Ritual Economy: Socio-Cosmic Fields in Globalized Contexts. Tübingen: SFB 1070 Publications, pp. 71-103


Being a Kyrgyz Child. In: Behera, D.K. (Ed.). Contemporary Society: Tribal Studies (Vol. X: Tribal Children and their Childhood). New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company, pp. 38-55


Revisiting Ethics in Ethnographic Research with Children. The Oriental Anthropologists, 14(2), 223-236


Belief and Knowledge in Healing Practices. In: Aitpaeva A. (Ed.). Sacred Sites of Issyk-Kul: Spiritual Powers, Pilgrimage, and Art. Bishkek: Aigine RC, pp. 299-309


Let's Learn to Express our Thoughts. In ScholarForum: The Journal of the Open Society Institute's Network Scholarship Programs, 12, 4-5

Workshops and Panels (from 2014 onwards)


Co-organizer of the International workshop “Social Media and Religion”, October 22-23, GRADE, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main (Online workshop)


Chair/discussant of the panel “Women, Agency and Identity in Central Asia”, 20th Annual Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS), October 10-13, George Washington University, Washington, USA


Chair of the working group “Innovation and (Dis)Empowerment”, Workshop “Resource-based perspectives on the good life (Buen Vivir) in the humanities”, June 25-29, Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Organizer of the panel “Education and identity in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan”, 14th Bi-Annual Conference of the European Society for Central Asian Studies (ESCAS) “Central Asia in the XXI Century. Historical Trajectories, Contemporary Challenges and Everyday Encounters”, October 8-11, Zurich, Switzerland


Convenor/chair/discussant of the panel “Childhood(s) and youth(s) of the future: children as cultural and social resources”, IUAES inter-congress “The Future with/of Anthropologies”, May 14-18, Chiba, Japan

Conferences and presented papers (from 2014 onwards)

2024 "Beyond the Individual: Reconstructing the Concept of Childhood on the Example of Kyrgyzstan", 29th German Educational Research Association (GERA) Congress 2024 "Crises and Transformations", Halle, Germany

2023 "Between the Past and the Present: Socialization of Children in Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan", workshop “'Backs of the Past'; Visions of the Future: (Re)Constructing Memory, History and Herstory from the Backs of Women from the Global South", Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin, Germany

2023 "Ethical Issues in Studying Religion in Kyrgyzstan", workshop “Researching sensitive topics in the quantitative social sciences", University College London (UCL), London, UK

2022 “Social Media and Religious Engagement of Muslim Youth in Kyrgyzstan", Annual Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS), Bloomington, USA

2022 “Women Leaders in Kyrgyzstan: Challenges and Opportunities" (together with Lana V.Kulik, Elira Turdubaeva), Annual Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS), Bloomington, USA


“'Journey to the saint': Materiality and mediation in the practice of Sufism in India", 16th EASA Biennial Conference: New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe, Lisbon (Online Conference)


“Work as part of good tarbiya (upbringing) in Kyrgyzstan", 20th Annual Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS), Washington, USA


“The economy of light: Sufi networks and the role of Sufi shrines in the pursuit of well-being" poster presentation, Summer Symposium, Frobenius Institute for Research in Cultural Anthropology, Frankfurt am Main, Germany


“Re-Islamization processes and value-conflicts in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan", workshop “Religious Speakers and Religious Speech – Authority and Influence of Word and People", Frankfurt am Main, Germany


“Pilgrimage to Sufi shrines as a resource to achieve a good life", workshop “Values and Valuation: Identifying Resources in the Quest for the Good Life", Isfahan, Iran


Value-conflicts in bringing up a 'healthy' child in Kyrgyzstan", 19th Annual Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS), Pittsburgh, USA


“Between the Past and Present. The Role of Schools in Shaping Values and Identities", 14thBi-Annual Conference of the European Society for Central Asian Studies (ESCAS) “Central Asia in the XXI Century. Historical Trajectories, Contemporary Challenges and Everyday Encounters", Zurich, Switzerland


Yrym (ritual) and its Role in 'Constructing' a Child", Altay Communities conference “Religion and Belief Rituals – Language and History Issues", Antalya, Turkey


“The Value of a 'Constructed' Child", 3rd International Conference of the International Childhood and Youth Research Network “Theory and Method in Child & Youth Research", Nicosia, Cyprus


“Taking away our child's anxiety: Islamic and non-Islamic concepts of healing child illnesses", Summer School workshop “Religion and Resource: Local and Global Discourses", Tübingen, Germany


“Bringing up a child in a Kyrgyz way", IUAES inter-congress “The Future with/of Anthropologies", Chiba, Japan


“Between Development, Soviet Science and Traditional Healing: An Ethnography of Childhood and Child Health in Kyrgyzstan" poster presentation, Global Supplementary Grant Program-Europe Conference “Active Academia: A Catalyst for Societal Change", Oxford, UK


“Self-identification and changing values of Kyrgyz people on the examples of child-related rituals", workshop “Living in Asian Borderlands: An Appreciation of Resources", Tübingen, Germany

Research grants

2021 Johanna Quandt Young Academy at Goethe, International Travel Fellowship


Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers (GRADE), 
Junior Researchers in Focus, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main


Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers (GRADE), 
Junior Researchers in Focus, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main


Global Supplementary Grant Program, Open Society Foundation research grant


Global Supplementary Grant Program, Open Society Foundation research grant


University of Central Asia research grant


DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and University of Central Asia (CAFDP fellowship)

Taught Courses

  • Media and Religion
  • Methoden
  • Culture, health and healing
  • Einführung in die Ethnographie Indiens
  • Einführung in die Materielle Kultur
  • Religious pluralism in India: Between dialogue and communalism (co-taught)
  • Islam in India: Anthropological approaches to the cultural and religious life of Muslims in India
  • Children in different cultures: Cross-cultural perspectives
  • The latest research on current societal issues in Central Asia
  • Introduction to the anthropology of Central Asia
  • Kyrgyz language (beginners – advanced level)