Visiting Reseacher

Fabian Mushövel

Fabian Mushövel has been a visiting fellow at the working group Political Science with a Focus on Education Policy / Political Socialization Research since 2022. Fabian is a political economist working on matters of economic inequality and the politics of redistribution, the political economy of welfare state reforms and social investment, as well as the European Economic and Monetary Union and its institutions.

Currently, Fabian is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow at the European University Institute. Prior to that he was the inaugural Nicholas Barr Fellow in European Political Economy at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a Max Weber Fellow at the EUI. He held visiting positions at the Economics Department at UC Berkeley and the Government Department at Harvard University, and previously worked as a consultant for Chatham House and analyst at the Centre for Economic Performance. Fabian holds a PhD in European Political Economy from the London School of Economics.

You can reach out to Fabian through his Homepage or via Twitter.