
For a list of my publications and citation metrics please see google scholar.


[5] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2023). Kapitalismus: Zur Einführung. Hamburg: Junius

[3] Garritzmann, Julian L., Silja Häusermann, and Bruno Palier (Eds.) (2022). The World Politics of Social Investment (Volume II): The Politics of Varying Social Investment Strategies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[2] Busemeyer, Marius R., Julian L. Garritzmann, and Erik Neimanns (2020). A Loud but Noisy Signal? Public Opinion and Education Reform in Western Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

[1] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2016). The Political Economy of Higher Education Finance. The Politics of Tuition Fees and Subsidies in OECD Countries, 1945-2015. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Edited special issues/books

Busemeyer, Marius R., Caroline de la Porte, Julian L. Garritzmann, and Emmanuele Pavolini (Eds.) (2018). The Future of the Social Investment State: Policies, Outcomes, and Politics. Special Issue. Journal of European Public Policy 25(6).

  • reprinted as: Busemeyer, Marius R., Caroline de la Porte, Julian L. Garritzmann, and Emmanuele Pavolini (Eds.) (2018). The Future of the Social Investment State. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN: 9781138318175

Peer-reviewed articles

[21] Garritzmann, Julian L., and Katrijn Siderius. (2024). Introducing'ministerial politics': Analyzing the role and crucial redistributive impact of individua ministries in policy‐making. Governance: 1–22.

[20]  Garritzmann, Julian L., and Kilian Seng (2023). The Politics of (De)Liberalization: Studying Partisan Effects Using Mixed-Effects Models. Political Science Research and Methods: 1-17. doi:10.1017/psrm.2023.35

[19] Garritzmann, Julian L., Silja Häusermann, and Bruno Palier (2023). Social Investments in the Knowledge Economy: The Politics of Inclusive, Stratified, and Targeted Reforms Across the Globe. Social Policy & Administration 57(1):  87-101.

[18] Garritzmann, Julian L., Erik Neimanns, and Marius Busemeyer (2023). Public Opinion towards Welfare State Reform: The Role of Political Trust and Government Satisfaction. European Journal of Political Research 62(1): 197-220.

[17] Garritzmann, Julian L., Leonce Röth, and Hanna Kleider (2021). Policy-making in Multilevel Systems: Ideology, Authority, and Education. Comparative Political Studies 54(12): 2155-2190. DOI: 10.1177/0010414021997499. Preprint available at ResearchGate. Replication data at:

[16] Garritzmann, Julian L., and Hanna Schwander (2021). Gender and Attitudes towards Welfare State Reform: Are Women Really Social Investment Promoters? Journal of European Social Policy 31(3): 253-266. DOI: 10.1177/0958928720978012. Preprint available here.

[15] Garritzmann, Julian L., and Kilian Seng (2020). Party Effects on Total and Disaggregated Welfare Spending – A Mixed-Effects ApproachEuropean Journal of Political Research.

[14] Busemeyer, Marius R., and Julian L. Garritzmann (2018)Compensation or Social Investment? Revisiting the Link between Globalization and Popular Demand for the Welfare State. Journal of Social Policy 48(3): 427-448.

[13] Neimanns, Erik, Marius R. Busemeyer, and Julian L. Garritzmann (2018). How Popular Are Social Investment Policies Really? Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Eight Western European CountriesEuropean Sociological Review 34(3): 238-253.

[12] Busemeyer, Marius R., Caroline de la Porte, Julian L. Garritzmann, and Emmanuele Pavolini (2018). The Future of the Social Investment State: Politics, Policies, and Outcomes. (Special Issue Introduction). Journal of European Public Policy 25(6): 801-809.

[11] Garritzmann, Julian L., Marius R. Busemeyer, and Erik Neimanns (2018). Public Demand for Social Investment: New Supporting Coalitions for Welfare State Reform in Western Europe? Journal of European Public Policy 25(6): 844-861.

[10] Busemeyer, Marius R., Julian L. Garritzmann, Erik Neimanns, and Roula Nezi (2018). Investing in Education in Europe: Evidence froma New Survey of Public OpinionJournal of European Social Policy 28(1): 34-54.

[9] Kleider, Hanna, Leonce Röth, and Julian L. Garritzmann (2017). Ideological Alignment and the Distribution of Public Expenditures. West European Politics 41(3): 779-802. 

  • reprinted in: Däubler, Thomas, Jochen Müller, and Christian Stecker (2019). Democratic Representation in Multilevel Systems: The Vices and Virtues of Regionalisation. London & New York: Routledge.

[8] Busemeyer, Marius R. and Julian L. Garritzmann (2017). Academic, Vocational, or General? An Analysis of Public Opinion towards Education Policies with Evidence from a New Comparative SurveyJournal of European Social Policy 27(4): 373-386. [Un-gated access]

[7] Busemeyer, Marius R. and Julian L. Garritzmann (2017). Public Opinion on Policy and Budgetary Trade-offs in European in European Welfare States: Evidence from a New Comparative Survey. Journal of European Public Policy 24(6): 871-889.

[6] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2017). How Much Power Do Oppositions Have? Comparing the Opportunity Structures of Parliamentary Oppositions in 21 Democracies. Journal of Legislative Studies 23(1): 1-30. 

[5] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2017). The Partisan Politics of Higher Education. PS: Political Science and Politics 50(2): 413-417.

[4] Busemeyer, Marius R. and Julian L. Garritzmann (2017). The Effect of Economic Globalization on Compensatory and Social Investment Policies Compared: A Multi-level Analysis of OECD Countries. Danish Center for Welfare Studies (DaWS) Working Paper Series 2: 1-29.

[3] Garritzmann, Julian L. and Kilian Seng (2016). Party Politics and Education Spending: Challenging Some Common WisdomJournal of European Public Policy, 23(4): 510-530.

[2] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2015). Attitudes towards Student Support – How Positive Feedback-effects Prevent Change in the Four Worlds of Student Finance. Journal of European Social Policy. 25(2): 139-158.

  • awarded the European Social Policy Analysis Network's (ESPAnet) and the Journal of European Social Policy's (JESP) Doctoral Researcher Prize

[1] Busemeyer, Marius R., Simon T. Franzmann, and Julian L. Garritzmann (2013). Who Owns Education? Cleavage Structures in the Partisan Competition over Educational Expansion. West European Politics 36(3): 521-46.

Book chapters

[17] Garritzmann, Julian L., and Bruno Palier (2023). Welfare States, Growth Regimes, and the Emergence of the Knowledge Economy: Social Policy in Turbulent Times. In: Bent Greve (Ed.): Welfare States in a Turbulent Erapp. 127-141. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

[16] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2023). Politics of Higher Education Funding in (Western) Europe – and Beyond. In: Jens Jungblut, Martin Maltais, Erik Ness, and Deanna Rexe  (Eds.). Comparative Higher Education Politics – Policymaking in North America and Europe. pp. 121-155. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

[14] Busemeyer, Marius R., Julian L. Garritzmann, and Susanne Garritzmann (2022). Bildungspolitik. In: Georg Wenzelburger, and Reimut Zohlnhöfer (Eds.). Handbuch Policy-Forschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

[13] Palier, Bruno, Julian L. Garritzmann, and Silja Häusermann (2022). Towards a Worldwide View on the Politics of Social Investment. In: Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann, and Bruno Palier (Eds.). The World Politics of Social Investment (Volume I): Welfare States in the Knowledge Economy. pp. 1-58. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[12] Häusermann, Silja, Julian L. Garritzmann, and Bruno Palier (2022). The Politics of Social Investment: A Global Theoretical Framework. In: Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann, and Bruno Palier (Eds.). The World Politics of Social Investment (Volume I): Welfare States in the Knowledge Economy. pp. 59-105. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[11] Garritzmann, Julian L., Silja Häusermann, Thomas Kurer, Bruno Palier, and Michael Pinggera (2022). The Emergence of Knowledge Economies: Educational Expansion, Labor Market Changes, and the Politics of Social Investment.  In: Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann, and Bruno Palier (Eds.). The World Politics of Social Investment (Volume I): Welfare States in the Knowledge Economy. pp. 251-284. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[10] Garritzmann, Julian L., Silja Häusermann, and Bruno Palier (2022). The Politics of Social Investment in the Knowledge Economy: Analytical Insights from a Global Comparison. In: Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann, and Bruno Palier (Eds.). The World Politics of Social Investment (Volume I): Welfare States in the Knowledge Economy. pp. 454-489. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[9] Häusermann, Silja, Julian L. Garritzmann, and Bruno Palier (2022). Structural Constraints, Institutional Legacies, and the Politics of Social Investment Across World Regions. In: Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann, and Bruno Palier (Eds.). The World Politics of Social Investment (Volume II): The Politics of Varying Social Investment Strategies. pp. 1-34. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[8] Busemeyer, Marius R., and Julian L. Garritzmann (2022). Loud, Noisy, or Quiet Politics? The Role of Public Opinion, Parties, and Interest Groups in Social Investment Reforms in Western Europe. In: Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann, and Bruno Palier (Eds.). The World Politics of Social Investment (Volume II): The Politics of Varying Social Investment Strategies. pp. 59-85. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[7] Palier, Bruno, Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann, and Francesco Fioritto (2022). Conclusion: How Democracies Transform their Welfare States: The Reform Trajectories and Political Coalitions of Inclusive, Stratified, and Targeted Social Investment Strategies Around the World. In: Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann, and Bruno Palier (Eds.). The World Politics of Social Investment (Volume II): The Politics of Varying Social Investment Strategies. pp. 402-475. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[6] Garritzmann, Julian L., Silja Häusermann, and Bruno Palier (2022). Social Investment. In: Daniel Béland, Stephan Leibfried, Kimberly J. Morgan, Herbert Obiger, and Christopher Pierson (Eds.). Oxford Handbook on the Welfare State, 2nd ed. pp. 188-205. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[5] Garritzmann, Susanne, and Julian L. Garritzmann (2021). Die Bildungspolitik der Grün-Schwarzen Regierung in Baden-Württemberg 2016-2021. In: Felix Hörisch, and Stefan Wurster (Eds.). Kiwi im Südwesten – Eine Bilanz der zweiten Landesregierung Kretschmann, 2016-2021. pp. 203-233. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

[4] Busemeyer, Marius R., and Julian L. Garritzmann (2021). Public Opinion on Education Policies: A Multi-country Perspective. In: Martin R. West, and Ludger Woessmann (Eds.). Public Opinion and the Political Economy of Education Policy around the World. pp. 17-54. Cambridge: MIT Press.

[3] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2020). Education Policy. In:  Nicholas Ellison, and Tina Haux (Eds.). Society and Social Policy. pp. 344-355. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

[2] Busemeyer, Marius R., and Julian L. Garritzmann (2019). Bildungspolitik und der SozialinvestitionstaatIn: Herbert Obinger, and Manfred G. Schmidt (Eds.) Handbuch der Sozialpolitik. pp. 783-805. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 

[1] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2016) Oppositional Power. In: Ali Farazmand (Ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. pp. 4248-4255. Springer Cham. Online First.


We conducted a large public opinion survey on European citizens' attitudes and preferences towards education policy, social investment policies, and compensatory social policies. The survey was conducted in eight countries in 2014 by a professional survey institute (TNS) as computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI). The data quality is similar to the ESS. The INVEDUC data is available for everyone free of charge via GESIS.

Other publications

[16] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2024). "Higher Education Funding across the Globe". Report for Education International.

[15] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2022). "Four Facts I Learned About Public Opinion on Education Policy". Newsletter of the APSA Education Policy and Policy Section, 4th issue.

[14] Schwander, Hanna, and Julian L. Garritzmann (2021). "Social Investment Policies that Women Want". JESP European Social Policy Blog:

[13] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2021). "Under what conditions can public opinion affect policy-making? Education as a case study". The Loop (ECPR's Blog).

[12] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2021). "Warum beeinflusst öffentliche Meinung (nur) manchmal Politik? Eine Analyse am Beispiel der Bildungspolitik". DVPW Blog.

[11] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2021). "Warum beeinflusst öffentliche Meinung (nur) manchmal Politik? Eine Analyse am Beispiel der Bildungspolitik". DeFacto Blog.

[10] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2019). Wie viel Macht haben Oppositionen? DVPW Blog.

[9] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2019). Die Macht der Opposition in der Politik. DeFacto Blog.

[8] Garritzmann, Julian L. (forthcoming). Review of Torben Iversen's and David Soskice's "Democracy and Prosperity: Reinventing Capitalism through a Turbulent Century" (Princeton University Press) (in German). Politische Vierteljahresschrift 60(3): 655-657.

[7] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2019). Globalization and the Welfare State: Is More Education What People Really Want? The Social Policy Blog

[6] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2018). Review of Anton Hemerijck's "The Uses of Social Investment" (Oxford University Press) (in German). Politische Vierteljahresschrift. DOI: 10.1007/s11615-018-0136-2

[5] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2017). Europeans want more vocational (not higher) Education... WONKHE. Higher Education: Policy, People and Politics. (circulation: 25,000).

[4] Garritzmann, Julian L., Silja Häusermann, Bruno Palier, and Christine Zollinger (2017). WOPSI: The World Politics of Social Investment. LIEPP Working Paper, no 64. Link.

[3] Garritzmann, Julian L., Silja Häusermann, Bruno Palier, and Christine Zollinger (2016). WOPSI - The World Politics of Social Investment (May 2016).  Available at SSRN:

[2] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2016). The Politics of Higher Education Tuition Fees and SubsidiesEurope of Knowledge

[1] Garritzmann, Julian L. (2014). Review of Carsten Jensen's "The Right and the Welfare State" (Oxford University Press). CritCom. A Forum for Research and Commentary on Europe