M.Sc. Dorian Hartlaub

Masters in Psychology

External PhD-Student


Postal address: Goethe Universität · Institut für Psychologie · Abt. Sozialpsychologie Hauspostfach 74 · 60323 Frankfurt

eMail:  hartlaub@psych.uni-frankfurt.de

Office hours: Upon agreement, PEG building, room 5.G030

Link to personal website

About me

For my PhD I’m doing research at Frankfurt Goethe University in the Department of Social Psychology. My research focuses on mindfulness, leadership and self-leadership. In my studies I investigate the effects of mindfulness, meditation and mindfulness-based interventions on leadership, self-leadership, relationships, stress, resilience and well-being. I studied both my Bachelor's and Master's at Goethe University with a clinical-psychological major. At Complutense University in Madrid I further studied Asian Philosophies and Religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism) as a minor and went on to complete my Masters with a minor in adult education and counseling at Goethe University. Since 2016 I have been working as a consultant, trainer, coach, facilitator, host and speaker in various areas especially in the field of human resources development. I lead talent recruitment- and development-projects, have been providing trainings and coaching to leaders and future leaders and offer consulting and development services to my clients. I enjoy teaching! For instance I teach an undergraduate seminar on positive psychology at Goethe University, I give workshops on mindfulness, meditation and the dynamics of personal growth. It is very important to me to offer help with my expertise and to put my research and my psychological background into practice.


2017-today: PhD student at the Frankfurt Goethe University, Department of Social Psychology
2016-today: Freelancer for training, facilitation, coaching & consulting for leadership and personal development
2016-2020: Psychologist at Provadis Partner für Bildung und Beratung GmbH (over 4 years of corporate experience)
2014-2017: Master's degree in clinical psychology at Goethe University

Research Interests

  • Mindfulness (MF) and Leadership
    • Leadership styles and MF
    • Benefits of MF in Leadership
    • Self-Leadership and MF
  • Mindfulness and relationships: LMX and MF
    • Relationship-based leadership theories and MF-based relationship enhancement
  • Mindfulness-based Interventions (MBI)
    • Effects of MBI on leadership development programs
    • Effects of MBI on leadership styles, leaders and followers

Teaching & Training

  • Seminar Positive Psychology for Bachelor students at Goethe University
  • seminars and workshops:
    • Meditation practice and personal growth
    • Mindfulness in everyday life and at work
    • Communication/ change/ leadership/ team dynamics/ self-management/ work-life-balance and presentation at work