​ Talks


“Mit neuen Materialismen qualitative forschen? Ein Theorie-Methoden-Workshop”, invited contributor for the workshop, TU Dresden, Dresden, September 14-15, 2023.

“Eine Stadt für Insekten?", invited discussant for the film screening and discussion evening of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research funded project SLInBio, Physikalischer Verein, Arthur-von-Weinberg-Haus, Frankfurt am Main, July 18, 2023.

“'It matters what stories tell stories': Zur unheilvollen Verschränkung von Symbiose, Spezies und 'Race' in Donna Haraways Fortsetzungsgeschichten", invited keynote lecture, Cornelia Goethe Colloquium “(M)Anthropocene? Aktuelle Perspektiven auf Natur- und Geschlechterverhältnisse", Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, May 31, 2023.


“Antworten auf die Gespenster in der Maschine: Technik, Körper und das gespenstische Erbe von Materialisierungen“, 41. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie: Polarisierte Welten, Bielefeld University, September 26-30, 2022.


“Neue Materialismen, alte Gespenster? Von der Ökologisierung der Frage der Bevölkerung zum Ruf nach einer artenübergreifenden Responsabilität im Anthropozän", invited keynote lecture in the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research seminar Ökologie, Feminismus und Wissenschaftskritik, organized by CampusGrün, University of Hamburg, 12 September 2021.

"The Haunting Climate of Materialization: Bodies, 'Race', and Technologies of Anti-Blackness", invited talk given in the research colloquium Mensch-Maschine-Verhältnis at Philipps University Marburg, 11 February 2021.

“Cutting Technology and the Body Together-Apart: Bodies-in-Technology and the Haunted Climate of Materializations", invited keynote lecture in the Future Bodies From a Recent Past – Sculpture, Technology, and the Body Since the 1950s symposium, Brandhorst Museum Munich, 23 January 2021.


“'Making Kin Not Population?' Feministische speculative Fabulation und die Frage der Bevölkerung im Anthropozän", paper presented at the 40th Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie Kongress: Gesellschaft unter Spannung, TU Berlin (online), 14-24 September 2020.

“Reinventing Life and Death on a Molecular Scale: The Technobiopolitics of Planned Extinction", paper presented at the 4S 2020 Locating and Timing Matters conference, Prague (online), 18-21 August 2020.

“Patterns of Difference that Make a Difference: Diffraction as a Critical Tool of Analysis in STS?", invited talk given in the Ethnographic Interventions & Experimental Collaborations lecture series of the Institute of Cultural Anthropology & European Ethnology, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 5 February 2020.


"Diffracting AI and Robotics: Decolonial and Feminist Perspectives", introductory lecture and symposium host, Goethe University Frankfurt, 11–12 October 2019; together with Pat Treusch and Christoph Hubatschke.

“More-Than-Human Biopolitics and the Ethics of Rendering Life Dieable", invited talk given in the Postmagicscience “Pure reason must never prevail": Witchcraft, Magic, and Materialism symposium, Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover, 25-27 September 2019.

“Rendering Life Dieable: Reconfiguring Mosquitos, Biocapital, and Technobiopower", paper to be presented at the 4S 2019 Innovations, Interruptions, Regenerations conference, New Orleans, USA, September 4-7, 2019.

“A Climate of Misogyny: Climate Change Denialism, Epistemic Ignorance, and Toxic Masculinities in the Post-Truth Eras", paper to be presented at the NORA 2019 Border Regimes, Territorial Discourses & Feminist Politics conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 22-24, 2019.


“Transgenic mosquitoes as technoscientific matters of care", paper presented at the EASST conference: Meetings – Making Science, Technology and Society Together, Lancaster University, UK, July 25-28, 2018.

“Economies of Hope and the Commodification of Life Itself", paper presented at the 9th Annual Conference on the New Materialisms: Religious Matters in an Entangled World, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, June 20-22, 2018.


“Ecomodernism and the Technosphere: Narratives of Hyperproductivity in the Anthropocene", paper presented in the symposium and workshop New Materialisms and the Environmental Humanities, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany, September 14–15, 2017.

“Response-Ability in the Age of Insects: A Politics of Representing as Intervening for the Anthropocene", paper presented at the Postcards from the Anthropocene: Unsettling the Geopolitics of Representation conference, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, June 22–24, 2017.

“The Politics of Becoming-With in the Anthropocene: The Zika Virus Epidemic as a Naturalcultural Multispecies Entanglement", paper presented at the 8th Annual Conference on the New Materialisms: Environmental Humanities and New Materialisms. The Ethics of Decolonizing Nature and Culture, UNESCO, Paris, France, June 7–9, 2017.

“Technoecologies of Borders", paper presented in the round table discussion Feminist Technoecologies held at the 8th Annual Conference on the New Materialisms: Environmental Humanities and New Materialisms. The Ethics of Decolonizing Nature and Culture, UNESCO, Paris, France, June 7–9, 2017.


“Chaosmopolitics: Becoming-more-than-human, becoming-worldly, becoming-response-able in the Anthropocene", paper presented at the 9th International Deleuze Studies Conference: Virtuality, Becoming and Life, University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy, July 11–13, 2016.

“Chthulhu and Kosmokoloss: Two tales of shattered utopias and monstrous hopes in the Anthropocene", paper presented at the Promises of Monsters conference, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway, April 28–29, 2016.

“Politics of Nature without Nature: Multispecies Justice and the Flows of Cuts that Bind in the Chthulucene", paper to be presented at the Nonhumans and Politics: International Conference on Non-Anthropocentric Perspectives on Politics, Hannover Institute for Philosophical Research, Hannover, Germany, January 22–23, 2016. (Paper accepted, presentation canceled due to illness.)

“Verschränkungen von Gewicht: Zur Techno-Biopolitik der Apparate körperlicher Produktion", invited talk given in the research colloquium of Prof. Thomas Lemke Soziologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Biotechnologie, Natur und Gesellschaft, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt/M, Germany, January 21, 2016.


“Technicity, Bodily Materiality, and Agency", invited public lecture given at the Wunder der Prärie: International Festival for Performance-Art, Mannheim, Germany, September 24–27, 2015.

“Posthumanist Politics of Nature: Becoming With Technologies and the Chthulucene", invited seminar for the Environmental Humanities Forum | the Seedbox, Linköping University, Sweden, September 8, 2015.

“Technologies of failure, bodies of resistance: Diffracting technoscientific practices of materializing marked bodies", paper to be presented at the Neil Postman Graduate Conference: new feminisms / new materialisms / new media, New York University, USA, March 12, 2015  (Conference cancelled due to strike of the Union of Graduate Employees at New York University; paper available via https://univie.academia.edu/JosefBarla/).

“Techno-Becomings: Speculative Fabulations about Technology, Bodies and Agency", invited public lecture given in the context of the performance installation imagetanz 2015. “training": Spielstätten eines inklusiven Humanismus, Künstlerhaus Vienna, March 6, 2015.


“Agential Realism and Posthumanist Performativity", invited lecture for the graduate course Zirkulation des Politischen: New Materialism (Prof. Andrea Seier), Department of Media Studies, University of Vienna, December 2, 2014.

“Diffracting race: science, technology, and the mechanics of materializing marked bodies", paper presented at the 5th New Materialism Conference, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, September 25–26, 2014.


“Rethinking agency and power with/in technology-body entanglements: towards a philosophy of apparatuses of bodily production", paper presented at the Feminism, Science & Materialism conference, Graduate Center, CUNY, USA, February 14–15, 2013.


“Rethinking agency and power with/in technology-body assemblages", paper presented at the Violence and Agency: Controversies and Confrontations conference, University of Vienna, Austria, December 6–7, 2012.

“New materialism, technology, and the body: theorizing technology and material bodies from an agential realist perspective", paper presented at the Critical Matter: 3rd International Graduate Conference, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt/M, Germany, May 31 – June 2, 2012.

“Changing topologies, shifting relations. Toward a post-constructionist philosophy of technology-body entanglements", paper presented at the Gender, Bodies and Technology: (Dis)Integrating Frames conference, Virginia Tech, Roanoke Virginia, USA, April 26–28, 2012.


“Mensch-Maschine-Verschränkungen und kapitalistische Quasi-Objekte. Zu einer Latourschen Lesart Marx' Ausführungen zur Maschine", paper presented together with Fabian Steinschaden at the 9th Congress of the Austrian Society for Philosophy: »Crossing Borders«, University of Vienna, June 2–4, 2011.

​ Workshops and Symposia

Initiator and co-organizer of the symposium and workshop “Diffracting AI and Robotics: Decolonial and Feminist Perspectives”, Goethe University Frankfurt, 10–11 October 2019, together with Pat Treusch and Christhop Hubatschke.

“New Materialisms and the Environmental Humanities”, symposium and workshop, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, 14–15 September 2017, together with Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer and Veit Braun.

“Violence and Agency: Controversies and Confrontations”, international graduate conference, University of Vienna, 6–7 December 2012, together with the GIK Fellows.

“Agential Realism in Feminist Science Studies”, public lecture and workshop with Karen Barad (University of California at Santa Cruz), University of Vienna, 18–19 April 2012, together with Ruth Müller, Ulrike Feld, and Sigrid Schmitz.