
The Techno-Apparatus of Bodily Production. A New Materialist Theory of Technology and the Body

What if the terms "technology" and "the body" did not refer to distinct phenomena interacting in one way or another? What if we understood their relationship as far more intimate – technologies as always already embodied, material bodies as always already technologized? What would it mean, then, to understand the relationship between technology and the body as a relation of indeterminacy? Expanding on the concept of the apparatus of bodily production in the work of Donna Haraway and Karen Barad, Josef Barla explores how material bodies along with their boundaries, properties, and meanings performatively materialize at sites where technological, biological, technoscientific, (bio-)political, and economic forces intra-act.

Barla, Josef (2019). The Techno-Apparatus of Bodily Production. A New Materialist Theory of Technology and the Body, Bielefeld: transcript.

Further Information

Journal Articles

Barla, J. (2023). "Technologies of antiblackness: Black matter, racial bias, and the haunting past of the spirometer", Technology in Society 73, DOI 10.1016/j.techsoc.2023.102256.

Barla, J. (2023). "Natur, Mensch und Gesellschaft im Anthropozän. Auf dem Weg zu einer mehr-als-menschlichen Soziologie?", Soziologische Revue 46(1): 1-15, DOI: 10.1515/srsr-2023-2009.

Barla, J., and Trischler, R. (2022). "Neomaterialistische Techniksoziologien – Potenziale, Spannungen und Desiderata", Behemoth: A Journal on Civilisation 15(1): 11,

Barla, J. (2022). "Rück-kehren als antworten: Technik, ‚Race' und das gespenstische Erbe von Materialisierungen", Behemoth: A Journal on Civilisation 15(1): 30-35,

Barla, J., and von Verschuer, F. (2022). „Anthropocene", Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research 3(2): 137-143,

Barla, J., Bjork-James, S. (2022). "Introduction: entanglements of anti-feminism and anti-environmentalism in the far-right", Australian Feminist Studies:

Barla, J., Bjork-James, S. (2022). "A climate of misogyny: gender, politics of ignorance, and climate change denial – an interview with Katharine Hayhoe", Australian Feminist Studies:

Barla, J. (2021). "Beyond reflexivity and representation: diffraction as a methodological sensitivity in science studies", Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory,

Barla, J., Hubatschke, C. (2018). "Technoecologies of Borders: Thinking With Borders as Multispecies Matters of Care", Australian Feminist Studies 32(94): 395-410.

Edited Books and Journal Special Issues

Barla, J., Kluzik, V., and Lemke, T. (2022). Biokapital. Beiträge zur Kritik der politischen Ökonomie des Lebens, Frankfurt am Main and New York: Campus.

Barla, J., and Trischler, R. (2022). Neomaterialistische Techniksoziologien. Potentiale, Spannungen, Desiderata, special issue of Behemoth: A Journal on Civilisation 15(1) .

Barla, J., and Bjork-James, S. (2022). Climate Change, Gender, and Authoritarianism: Entanglements of Anti-Feminism and Anti-Environmentalism in the Far Right, special issue of Australian Feminist Studies 36(110) Themenheft.

Barla, J., Böcker, A. C., Maly, K., Kimm, S., Koller, N., Kraml, B., Mandl, E., Petran, A., Sußner, P., Thiel, L., Tiefenbacher, K., Vedernjak-Barsegiani, A. (2012). Gewalt und Handlungsmacht: Queer_Feministische Perspektiven, Frankfurt am Main and New York: Campus.

Book Chapters

Barla, J.,  Lemke, T., and Kluzik, V. (2022). „Einleitung". In: Josef Barla, Thomas Lemke and Vicky Kluzik (eds.), Biokapital. Beiträge zur Kritik der politischen Ökonomie des Lebens, Frankfurt am Main: Campus, pp. 9–49.

Barla, J. (2021). „Response-Ability in the Age of Insects: Towards a Politics of Re-Presenting as Intervening". In: Tiago Torres-Campos and Benek Cincik (eds.), Postcards From the Anthropocene, Barcelona: dpr, pp. 242–274.

Barla, J. (2021). „Feministische spekulative Fabulation und die Frage der Bevölkerung im Anthropozän". In: Birgit Blättel-Mink (ed.), Gesellschaft unter Spannungen. Verhandlungen des 40. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie 2020, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie, <>.

Barla, J., Hubatschke, C. (2019). „Governing the Flows and Forces of Information in Control Societies". In: Katharina Mosene and Matthias C. Kettemann (eds.), Many Worlds, Many Nets, Many Visions. Critical Voices, Visions and Vectors for Internet Governance, Berlin: Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, p. 28.

Barla, J., Hubatschke, C. (2019). „Technoecologies of Borders: Thinking with Borders as Multispecies Matters of Care“. In: Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer, Pat Treusch und Xin Liu (eds.), Feminist Technoecologies: Reimagining Matters of Care in and Sustainability, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 45-60.

Barla, J. (2016). „Technologies of Failure, Bodies of Resistance: Science, Technology, and the Mechanics of Materializing Marked Bodies“. In: Victoria Pitts-Taylor (ed.), Mattering: Feminism, Science and Materialism, New York: New York University Press, pp. 159-172.

Barla, J. (2016). „Verschränkungen von Gewicht. Von Verbindungen zu Un/Bestimmtheiten.“ In: Karin Harrasser and Susanne Rößinger (eds.), Parahuman. Neue Perspektiven auf das Leben mit Technik, Köln/Wien/Weimar: Böhlau, pp. 164-173.

Barla, J. (2015). „‚Ihr wortlos Lied, vielstimmig, scheinbar eins': Die Frage nach dem Politischen in Bruno Latours Technikphilosophie.“ In: Mona Singer (ed.), Technik und Politik. Von Benjamin und Deleuze bis Latour und Haraway, Wien: Löcker, pp. 88-115.

Barla, J. (2014). „Apparate körperlicher Produktion und die Materialität der Figuration.“ In: Tobias Goll, Daniel Keil and Thomas Helios (eds.), Critical Matter: Diskussionen eines neuen Materialismus, Münster: edition assemblage, pp. 148-164.

Barla, J. (2012). „Flucht und Migration als Kritik?“ In: Barla, J. et al. (eds.), Gewalt und Handlungsmacht: Queer_Feministische Perspektiven, Wien. Frankfurt am Main and New York: Campus, pp. 196-203.

Barla, J., Steinschaden, F. (2012). „Kapitalistische Quasi-Objekte. Zu einer Latourschen Lesart Marx' Ausführungen zur Maschine“. In: Alfred Dunshirn, Elisabeth Nemeth und Gerhard Unterthurner (eds.), Crossing Borders | Thinking (across) Boundaries, Wien: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Philosophie, pp. 361-370.


Barla, J., Handler, I. (2017). Review essay of "Dawson, Ashley. 2016. Extinction. A Radical History" and "Heise, Ursula K. 2016. Imagining Extinction. The Cultural Meaning of Endangered Species", Das Argument 323; 435–438.

Barla, J., Hubatschke, C. (2016). "Benjamin, Walter: Radio Benjamin, ed. by Lecia Rosenthal", Das Argument 314: 736–737.

Barla, J. (2015). "Colebrook, Claire: Death of the PostHuman: Essays on Extinction, Vol. 1", Das Argument 312  260–261.

Barla, J. (2014). "Braidotti, Rosi: Posthumanismus", Das Argument 309: 575–577.  

Barla, J. (2013). "Balke, Friedrich/Muhle, Maria/von Schöning, Andrea (eds.): Die Wiederkehr der Dinge", Das Argument 304: 755–757.

Barla, J. (2013). "Barad, Karen: Agentieller Realismus", Das Argument 301: 269–270.


Barla, J., Maly, K. (2018). „Die Versuchungen. Donna Haraway, feministische Objektivität und die Frage der Kritik“ (The Temptations: Donna Haraway, Feminist Objectivity, and the Problem of Critique, by Heather Love). In: Kathrin Busch, Christina Dörflinger, Kathrin Peters and Ildiko Szántó (eds.), Wessen Wissen? Materialität und Situiertheit in den Künsten, Paderborn: Fink, pp. 115-134.

Barla, J., Maly, K. (2016). „Real werden. Technowissenschaftliche Praktiken und die Materialisierung der Realität“ (Getting Real: Technoscientific Practices and the Materialization of Reality, by Karen Barad). In: Kathrin Peters and Andrea Seier (eds.), Gender & Medien-Reader, Zürich: diaphanes, pp. 515-540.

Barla, J., Maly, K. (2016). „Fötus. Das virtuelle Spekulum in der Neuen Weltordnung“ (Fetus: The Virtual Speculum in the New World Order, by Donna Haraway). In: Kathrin Peters and Andrea Seier (eds.), Gender & Medien-Reader, Zürich: diaphanes, pp. 249-278.


Barla, J. (2018). "Anthropocene“. In: Sam Skinner and David Gauthier (eds.): New Materialism Almanac.

Barla, J. (2018). "Technology/Technicity/Techné“. In: Sam Skinner and David Gauthier (eds.): New Materialism Almanac.

Barla, J. (2017). "Cyborg“. In: Sam Skinner and David Gauthier (eds.): New Materialism Almanac.

Barla, J., Hinton, P., and Mehrabi, T. (2015). “New Materialisms/New Colonialisms", Proceedings of ISCH COST Action IS1307 New Materialism working group two New Materialism on the Crossroads of the Natural and Human Sciences.