Dr. habil. Susanne Schultz - Biography

Habilitation, doctorate and studies

2005 PhD at the Otto Suhr Institute of Free University of Berlin about: Hegemony, Gouvernmentality, Biopower: Reproductive risk and the transformation of international population policies“

1989 - 1991 Research in Guatemala, Mexico and Brasil

1986 - 1992 Diploma of political science and studies of history and sociology at the Free University of Berlin

Research and teaching activities

Since 04/2019 Teaching Replacement for Prof. Dr. Lemke, Sociology with a Focus on "Biotechnologies, Nature and Society"

10/2015 - 03/2016 Guest professorship for political science at the University of Vienna

2014 - 2018 DFG-Project: Demographization of the political? An inter-sectional analysis of German family and migration policy since the mid 1990s

2013 - 2014 Research assistant in the project: „Social implications of preconceptional genetic diagnosis“ at Goethe University Frankfurt/M

Since 2011 Assistant lecturer at the Institute for Sociology of Goethe University Frankfurt/M

2009 - 2011 Research assistant at Leibniz University Hannover on Global Economy of Öocytes as work package for the EU-Project „Regenerative Medicine in Europe“

2004 - 2006 Research assistant at Leibniz University Hannover in the research project „Participatory Governance of Genetic Testing: UK, Germany, Austria“ as work package for the EU-project „Participatory Governance and Institutional Innovation“

1993 - 1994 Junior researcher at the Institute for Latin America studies at Free University of Berlin

Organization of lecture series and conferences

  • Organization of the lecture series of the Cornelia Goethe Centrum: Die Anderen der Reproduktionsmedizin. Feministische Perspektiven auf Arbeit, Familie und Rassismus, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Wintersemester 2017/2018 mit Dr. Eva Sänger.
  • (Un)Sicherheit,(Bio)Macht und (Cyber)Kämpfe: Kritische Theorieperspektiven auf Technologien als Ort gesellschaftlicher Auseinandersetzung. Gemeinsame Frühjahrstagung der Sektion „Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung“ der DGS, des Arbeitskreises „Politik, Wissenschaft und Technik“ der DVPW und der TU Hamburg, Harburg 23/24 März 2012, mit Dr. Tanja Carstensen und Dr. Joscha Wullweber.

Expert activities

  • for the journals: Gender, Place, and Culture, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Women's Studies International Forum, Public Understanding of Science, Movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies

Scientific advisory boards

  • scientific advisor for Interdisciplinary Scientific Advisory Board der BMBF Forschungsgruppe SoSciBio; der Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung und des Gen-ethischen Netzwerk e.V. Berlin