Katrijn Siderius

Doctoral Researcher


Goethe University Frankfurt
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute for Political Science
Westend Campus – PEG-Building
Internal Mailbox PEG 54
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Office: PEG 3.G 095
Telephone: +49 69-798-36677

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Katrijn Siderius is a PhD candidate at the working group of Prof. Dr. Garritzmann. She participates amongst others in the project 'Ministries of Finance and the Politics of Welfare State Reform'. Before joining the Institute of Political Science, Katrijn was a policy advisor at the Nederlandsche Bank, the central bank and financial supervisor of the Netherlands, where she worked in the area of banking supervision and central bank risk management.

Katrijn graduated in 2018 as MA of Political Science and Public Administration from the University of Konstanz (double degree with Utrecht University), with a focus on Political Economy, European Union governance and methods. Her research interests include the political economy of the transition to a sustainable economy, the politics of (public) finance and the influence of non-political actors, especially technocrats, on public policy.

Curriculum Vitae

10/2022 - 12/2022

Junior Visiting Scholar Department of Politics and International Relations / Nuffield College University of Oxford

06-2020 - present

PhD candidate, Faculty of Social Sciences, Working Group Political Science with a Focus on Education Policy / Political Socialization Research (Prof. Dr. Julian Garritzmann)

09/2018 - 06/2020

Junior Policy Advisor, De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam


Master of Science in Public Administration and Organisation Science, European Governance track, Utrecht University (cum laude)


Master of Arts in Politics and Public Administration, University of Konstanz


Bachelor of Science in Public Administration and Organisation Science, Utrecht University (cum laude)

Complete CV on LinkedIn


Publications in peer-reviewed journals

Other publications

Work in progress

  • Kohler, K., Schreur, V. & Siderius, K. The policy process of central banks' forecasting models. (working paper)
  • Siderius, K. (2019). Alternative Agendas, measuring divergence among euro area central bankers. (conference paper)


Awards and Grants


DAAD - Research Grant for Doctoral Students (5.000 Euro)


Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds – Jadefonds: 1-year grant for PhD-project (15.000 Euro)


University of Konstanz – VEUK: Award for Master thesis (200 Euro)

Photo credit: Anna Kluge