Go Abroad with the PROMOS Scholarship!

Receive a PROMOS scholarship for study-related stays abroad for up to four months! PROMOS awards scholarships for the following activities:

  • Study abroad
  • Research stays worldwide
  • Internships abroad
  • Language courses worldwide 
  • Winter/Summer Schools worldwide 
  • Study trips worldwide 

General Requirements for funding:

  • enrolled students and partly doctoral students of all disciplines at Goethe University are eligible for funding
  • students must have completed at least two semesters of their undergraduate course of study

PROMOS is a scholarship program established by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It provides German universities with funds to finance short stays abroad in order to enhance the mobility of students.

In the funding line "Study Abroad", study stays at foreign universities can be funded - both at partner universities of Goethe University and for self-organized semesters abroad as a freemover.

  • The stay must last at least one month
  • a maximum of four months can be funded 
  • longer semesters abroad can be funded by the DAAD annual scholarship, if applicable
  • PROMOS funding can only be applied for if no Erasmus+ funding is possible, i.e. outside the Erasmus+ area or also in the Erasmus+ area if there is no cooperation.
  • Doctoral students cannot be funded in this funding line.

In the funding line "Research Abroad", research stays worldwide can be funded that are prescribed in the curriculum of a degree program or serve to prepare a final thesis.

  • The research stay must last at least one month
  • As a rule, a maximum of four months is funded. 
  • Doctoral students cannot be funded in this funding line.

In the funding line "Internship abroad", internships abroad outside the Erasmus+ area can be funded. 

In the funding line "Language courses abroad", language courses worldwide at universities or established language institutes can be funded.

  • The language course must last at least three weeks.
  • A maximum of six months can be funded.
  • Only full-day language courses with at least 25 hours per week can be funded.
  • Language courses at A1 level cannot be funded. To apply, you must already prove language skills at A1 level or higher.
  • Language courses can only be funded if the target language is also the national language of the host country.
  • As a rule, English language courses are not funded.
  • Both enrolled students and doctoral candidates can apply for this funding line.
  • In addition to the accommodation and travel allowances, a language course allowance of 500.00€ may be granted.

In the funding line " Specialized Courses Abroad" the participation in summer/winter schools or workshops at universities abroad can be funded.

  • The specialist course must last at least two weeks.
  • A maximum of six weeks can be funded.
  • Participation in the specialized courses must be self-organized and can take place at partner universities of Goethe University as well as at all other universities worldwide.
  • Both enrolled students and doctoral candidates can apply for this funding line.
  • In addition to the accommodation and travel allowances, a course allowance of 500.00€ may be granted.

Here you will find frequently asked questions. Please feel free to contact us for further questions and advice.

PROMOS funding can be awarded for up to six months per study period - i.e. for a maximum of 6 months each in the Bachelor's and Master's programs. Renewed PROMOS funding is possible if:

  • the contingent of six months has not yet been used up or
  • the first funding was granted in the Bachelor's program and you are now enrolled in a Master's program.

Yes, study-related stays in Switzerland can be funded with PROMOS, as Switzerland is not an Erasmus+ program country.

You can submit all application documents for PROMOS in German as well as in English. 

Knowledge of the working or study language or the national language must be certified. No specific language level is required, although a B2 level is considered a reasonable minimum level to be able to study and work successfully in the target country. With a higher language level, you will receive more points in the evaluation of the selection committee, if applicable. A maximum of 10 points will be awarded for language competence.

Exception: in the funding line "Language courses abroad" an A1 language level is sufficient.

We strongly recommend that you take out the following insurances:

  • International health insurance (for stays outside the EU)
  • Liability insurance
  • Accident insurance

As a PROMOS scholarship holder, you have access to the inexpensive DAAD group insurance, which offers a comprehensive all-inclusive package - which also covers pandemic cases, among other things. 

We strive to deliver the selection decision as soon as possible after the application deadline. You can expect to hear back no later than eight weeks after the deadline.

The PROMOS scholarship supports study-related stays abroad with accommodation and travel allowances. The lump sums are set by the DAAD on a binding annual basis. A maximum of six months can be funded.

You can find more information here.

In general, we accept all language certificates that:

For details, please refer to the application instructions for the individual funding lines.

We have compiled the exact regulations for dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic in detail here.

The following applies for the program year 2021: PROMOS funding is possible even if the German Foreign Office has issued a travel warning for tourists due to the Covid 19 pandemic - but at your own risk. Digital mobilities from Germany are also eligible under certain conditions.

Goethe University receives an annually varying budget from the DAAD to run the PROMOS program. In addition to the available budget, the probability of funding depends on the number and quality of the applications submitted. 

On average over the last five years, about 30%-35% of all applications could be considered.

Please note that PROMOS is a classic merit-based scholarship. Academic performance is the most weighty category in the selection decision, accounting for 40%.

More information about the selection criteria and the selection committee can be found here.

PROMOS Application Deadlines 2024

Nov 10
12:00 PM

Application Round 1 - 2024

PROMOS application deadline for stays abroad starting between January 1st  and June 30th 2024: November 10th 2023, 12:00 pm
The application platform will be available on October 09th 2023.

May 8
12:00 PM

Application Round 2 - 2024

PROMOS application deadline for stays abroad starting between July 1st and December 31st 2024: May 08th 2024, 12:00 pm
The application platform will be available at the beginning of March.

Nov 10
12:00 PM

Application Round 1 - 2024

PROMOS application deadline for stays abroad starting between January 1st  and June 30th 2024: November 10th 2023, 12:00 pm
The application platform will be available on October 09th 2023.

May 8
12:00 PM

Application Round 2 - 2024

PROMOS application deadline for stays abroad starting between July 1st and December 31st 2024: May 08th 2024, 12:00 pm
The application platform will be available at the beginning of March.

Application Platform

Contact and Consultation

Goethe University Frankfurt
Global Office
Campus Westend
c/o House of Labor
Eschersheimer Landstr. 155
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Luisa Döhner
3rd floor, office 331
Phone: +49 (0)69 798 17195

Guide to your PROMOS application

Eligible applicants
Eligible for application are regularly enrolled 
  1. German and
  2. students of equal status to German (gemäß § 8 Absatz 1 Ziffer 2ff., Absatz 2, 2a und 3 BAföG) as well as
  3. non-German students and university graduates, if they are enrolled in a course of study at Goethe University Frankfurt with the aim of obtaining a degree or a doctorate.
For the group of persons described in b) and c), stays in the home country are excluded. The home country is the country in which the student has predominantly resided for at least five years; nationality plays a subordinate role here.
Study progress

Applicants must:

  • be at least in the second semester of a Bachelor's program or
  • be at least in the first semester of a Master's or doctoral program.
Merit Scholarship

The PROMOS scholarship is designed as a merit scholarship and therefore focuses on the academic performance of the applicants. Here you can find the detailed breakdown of the selection criteria. 

Travel warning of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs
If the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a travel warning for the destination country, PROMOS funding is generally excluded. 
There are exceptions during the Covid-19 pandemic.

For study abroad periods, research, internships and language courses abroad, you will need to hand in the following documents for your application:

1) Application Form (signed, dated)
Once you start your online application, you are asked to complete an application form that you have to print, sign and re-upload on our platform.

2) Letter of Recommendation
You need to ask one of your professors or a member of the academic personnel to issue you a Letter of Recommendation. We uploaded a template, which your professor is obliged to use. The letter must be sent directly from your professor to the Global Office via e-mail. Please make sure to request the letter in time, as it always takes some time for professors to complete this task.

3) Confirmation of Enrolment
You can download your confirmation of enrolment via the QIS-system of Goethe University (Home > Administration of studies > Study reports for all terms).

4) CV
Hand in your curriculum vitae, max. 2 pages, dated ans signed.

5) Extracurricular Activities
You need to use our template (“Außerfachliches Engagement PROMOS Bewerbung") on extracurricular activities. You may add any social, political or voluntary activity. It is mandatory to hand in this document.

6) Letter of Motivation
Apart from your grades, your letter of motivation is crucial for the selection procedure. Please hand in 1-2 pages continuing text focussing on your academic and personal qualifications, the academic purpose of your stay abroad, your future academic and/or career plans and how these intertwine with your stay abroad, etc..Please submit the document in letter form (with address line, date, etc).

7) Transcript
If possible, download your current transcript via the QIS-system (Home > Administration of exams > Exam Reports > Transcript of Records). If you are not able to download your transcript, you may use our template and fill in all the courses you visited so far. You will need to have this template checked and signed by the Global Office before you upload it.

8) Language Certificate

In general, you will need a language certificate for the working language at your host institution. If you apply for a study abroad, you will have to issue a language certificate for the taught language of your courses. If you apply for an internship, you will have to hand in a certificate for the working language in your host company/institution.

There is a possibility to complete a free language certificate issued by Goethe University, the so-called Language Proficiency Certificate (see contact information here). You can also complete one of the many language certificates using the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. We also accept the Duolingo Test. But we do not accept language certificates older than two years.

If you are part of a bilingual or English-speaking degree program, you may use the language certificate you used to apply for this degree program (even if it is older than two years).

If you take part in a language course abroad, you will only need to provide an A1-certificate showing that you already started to learn the respective language.

9) Confirmation by your host/guest institution

If you are selected for a study abroad, your coordinator for exchange at your faculty at Goethe University can issue you a confirmation of your nomination. You can hand in this confirmation or the original confirmation by your host university or the nomination mail which is sent by the faculty.

If you are going to do an internship, please submit a confirmation by your host employer. A copy of an confirming e-mail is sufficient if it includes the relevant contact information (you may include a screenshot).

If you are going to do a language course, please submit your confirmation by the host university/institution.
Period of funding

  • Applications can be made for funding for a stay abroad starting in 2024.
  • Funding beyond December 2024 is only possible if the corresponding stay has already begun in 2024 or entry into the destination country has already taken place.
    Funding can be provided until 28.02. of the following year at the latest.
  • A scholarship extension beyond 4 months is excluded.
Subsistence allowance

  • Subsistence allowances are paid in all program lines depending on the duration of the stay, 1 to 4 monthly flat rates can be granted.
  • the amount of the allowance varies between 350€ and 550€ and is determined annually by the DAAD for each country.
  • for 15 or more days a complete monthly allowance can be granted; no half allowances will be paid.
Travel allowance
  • travel allowances are paid in all program lines
  • the travel allowance is paid once and country-specific
  • the binding amount of the allowance per destination country is determined annually by the DAAD
Course fee allowance

  • Course fee allowances can be paid optionally for the program lines "Language Courses Abroad" and "Specialized Courses Abroad"; the selection committee decides on the funding on the basis of the actual course fees incurred
  • the course fee allowance amounts to 500,00€.

The final funding amount will be calculated by the Global Office and communicated in writing in the scholarship agreement. 

In case of a large number of applications, the Global Office reserves the right to support selected scholarship holders either with a partial scholarship OR a travel grant in order to support as many applicants as possible. It is also possible to shorten the funding period.

Is it possible to combine PROMOS scholarships with other scholarships?

In principle, double funding from public funds for the same funding purpose is excluded. Please contact us at an early stage to check whether scholarships can be combined in individual cases.


  • Deutschlandstipendium and PROMOS can be obtained in parallel without restriction.

  • Parallel funding with PROMOS funds and another DAAD scholarship program is excluded.

  • Parallel funding with PROMOS funds and Erasmus+ is excluded
  • If Erasmus+ funding is generally possible, PROMOS funding cannot be granted.

  • Domestic BAföG (InlandsBAföG) benefits are free of charge and can be combined with PROMOS.
  • if you receive BAföG abroad (AuslandsBAföG, you are exempt from a credit of 300€; 
  • Travel allowances are fully credited against the travel allowance of the Auslands-BAföG. 
  • The calculation with the benefits of the Auslands-BAföG is carried out by the respective Auslands-BAföG office. The office must be informed of the receipt of the PROMOS grant without being asked to do so.
Selection criteria

The selection of the scholarship holders is based on the written application documents by a selection committee consisting of representatives of the International Office, the teaching staff of Goethe University and a student representative, according to the following criteria:

  • Qualification/study performance of the student including expert opinion (40 out of 100 points)
  • Relevance of the planned stay in relation to the previous studies, motivation (30 out of 100 points)
  • Existing language skills that are necessary for the successful completion of the stay (10 out of 100 points)
  • extracurricular commitment (15 out of 100 points)
  • overall impression of the application, compliance with formalities (5 out of 100 points)
tax declaration obligations

In accordance with the Notification Ordinance ( ), Goethe University Frankfurt will inform your responsible tax office annually of the corresponding payments in the event of recurring payments or if the sum of the payments exceeds €1,500

The recipient of the payment is responsible for fulfilling tax recording and declaration obligations with regard to the income (§12 MV). Information on the tax exemption of scholarships can be found under §3 No.44 of the Income Tax Act.

PROMOS Application: Step-by-Step

The prerequisite for a PROMOS application is the acceptance of a host institution (university, internship provider, etc.). With this you can initiate your PROMOS application. 

  • Study visits through internal cooperations: the pre-approval you receive from your department or the International Office is sufficient for your application
  • Fieldwork without a host institution in the target country: a certificate from the department confirming the period of time is sufficient for your application

If you have a confirmation for a stay abroad, please check whether PROMOS funding is generally possible (see: PROMOS application instructions or the application instructions per funding line).

Please also note the application deadlines:

  • November: for stays abroad starting between January and June
  • May: for stays abroad starting between July and December

You are welcome to contact us for advice if you have any questions.

  • Please read the application instructions for your mobility type (study, internship research, specialized course or language course) carefully and take care of the compilation of the application documents in time. Especially the language certificate and the expert opinion require a lead time!
  • Note on the parallel receipt of scholarships: If you are receiving additional funding from other German public funds, submit a proof with the confirmation of the host institution. In case of doubt, please let us check the possibility of combination at an early stage.

Parallel to compiling the application documents, you can already create an application account. After completing the application form, you will automatically receive an application account on the Mobility online platform. Here you will have to upload all the required application documents.

After you have uploaded all documents and we have confirmed that we have received the review, please confirm the completion of your application in your application account. Only applications that have been confirmed to be complete can be considered. All application documents must be received by the deadline.

  • After the application deadline, all complete applications received will be evaluated by at least three people and discussed in a selection meeting. After the meeting, you will receive feedback on the outcome of your application. 
  • We also maintain a post-nomination list. 
  • The selection committee's feedback will be announced by email at the earliest eight weeks after the application deadline. 
  • We will explain all further steps (scholarship agreement, bank details, scholarship certificates, disbursement) to you in case of funding. 

As described in the scholarship agreement, the PROMOS scholarship requires final documents. These must be submitted after the end of your mobility - no later than eight weeks after your return to Germany. If you fail to meet the deadline, we can demand the full scholarship back. We will remind you by e-mail to submit the final documents by the deadline.

The graduation documents consist of:

1. the Participation Certificate, with which the host institution in the destination country confirms the actual period of stay. This should be uploaded to the application account as soon as possible after the end of your mobility. 

  • If the period of stay has been shortened compared to the original information, we may have to ask for a partial repayment of the scholarship. 
  • You are obliged to report all changes of the period of stay to the International Office without being asked.
  • in case of fieldwork, the Participation Certificate can be signed by the respective department

2. the Experience Report, in which you report on your experiences abroad based on our template. The aim is that your experience report will help other students in planning and carrying out a stay abroad.

Experience Reports

Here you can find all the reports on the experiences of former Goethe University outgoings.