Internships Abroad

An internship abroad represents an important opportunity to gain valuable international work experience. Furthermore, it may help you to create an international network and give you a unique insight into another corporate culture. Last but not least, an internship abroad allows you to improve your language skills and to grow personally.

However, internships abroad demand organizational efforts. The following web pages and links are to provide first orientation.

DAAD PROMOS-Scholarship

Friday, 11th November 2022

Erasmus+ Traineeship

1-month before your internship starts

Teacher Education Scholarship 

01st March - 31st March for Educational Internships starting between, 01st June and 31st August

01st June - 30th June for Educational Internships starting between, 01st September and 01st December

01st October - 31st October 2022

for Educational Internships starting between 01st January 2023 and 
31st May 2023

Please consider the following information on the current Covid-19 pandemic before you apply for an internship or scholarship program.

The United Kingdom left the European Union and by extension the Erasmus+ program. The Erasmus+ contracts run out in 2022 and, thus, we can presumably continue to fund internship in the UK until May 2022. Internships starting after May 2022 may be funded via the PROMOS-Scholarship program.

Information and orientation in order to find a fitting internship/traineeship abroad.

Information on placement agencies that you can use to find and organize an internship abroad.

Information on funding possibilities and scholarship programs for your internship/traineeship abroad.

Office Hours and Contact

Due to the pandemic, office hours are offered online only until further notice.

Office hours for information on Internships Abroad: 

  • Monday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.  
  • Wednesday 1 p.m. until 4 p.m.  

Please register here for your 20-minute appointment.  

Booking is possible starting 10 working days up to 18 hours before the appointment. The link to our virtual office will be provided in the confirmation e-mail.

You can reach us by phone during our regular office hours (see below) (except during meetings or holiday-related absences). If you do not reach us, please email us ( We usually reply within 2-3 working days.

Global Office
c/o House of Labor
Eschersheimer Landstr. 155, 3rd floor, office 331

Luisa Döhner
Consultation and Advisory Service for Internships Abroad and Funding/Scholarship Programs
Phone: 069 798 17195

Information Video: Internships Abroad (German)