Talks and presentations (Selection)

This website informs only about talks and presentations in English.


Panel: "Democratic Innovations and the Systems Turn", Jonathan Rinne and Rikki Dean, ECPR General Conference, Wroclaw


Workshop: Can Participatory Reforms Save Representative Democracy?, (with Kimmo Grönlund) Joint Session, Nicosia, Cyprus 


Graduate & Post-Graduate Conference: The Future of Democracy, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Chair: Brigitte Geißel

Presentation: Direct Democracy and Economic Inequality in the World (with Sergiu Gherghina), Villa Vigoni, Italy

Paper: Measuring Quality of Democracy: Bringing People back in (with Quinton Mayne), Prag

Paper: Models of Democratic Quality and Citizen Dispositions (with Quinton Mayne), University of Zurich

Conference: Between 'deepening democracy' and 'window-dressing' - Meta-Synthese zu Ergebnissen dialogorientierter Verfahren, Goethe-University, Chair: Brigitte Geißel, Mainz

Workshop: The Role of Direct Democracy in the Process of Political Representation, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Chair: Brigitte Geißel

Panel: Democratic Innovations and Local Representative Democracy,
ECPR General Conference in Oslo (with Angelika Vetter)

Paper: An Alternative to Representation: What Explains Preferences for Citizens as Political Decision-Makers? (with Sergiu Gherghina), CES Conference Glasgow


Panel: Can Participatory Democratic Reforms Mitigate Inequality?,
Papers: Recall in German Municipalities - Comparison within a Federal State,
How Bad Does It Get? Direct Democracy and Economic Inequality in the World (with Sergiu Gherghina),
IPSA World conference 2016, Poznan

Roundtable: Deliberative Democracy in Europe,
Paper: Between ‘deep democracy’ and ‘window-dressing’ - What determines policy-effects of dialog-oriented procedures? (with P. Hess),
Paper: Explaining mixed preferences for political decision-makers (with Sergiu Gherghina),
ECPR General Conference, Prag


Presentations at the OMC Meetings on Participatory Governance of Cultural Heritage, Brüssel

Panel: Do democratic innovations improve the quality of democracy?
Final conference: Center of Excellence “DC:E Democracy, a Citizens Perspective, Abo-Adademi, Turku, Finnland


Effects of (Local) Participatory Options on Representative Democracy – Preliminary Findings,
ECPR General Conference, Glasgow, UK, 3 – 6 September, 2014

Direct Democracy and its consequences: The German case,
RedGob Annual Conference 2014: New experiments of direct democracy -Consequences for governability and development, Aarau, Schweiz

Panel: Do democratic innovations improve the quality of democracy?,
ECPR General Conference, Glasgow, UK, 3 – 6 September, 2014


Bringing Citizens into the Measurement of Democratic Quality,
Workshop “Measuring Democracy”, Goethe University Frankfurt, September 29 – October 1, 2013, mit Prof. Quinton Mayne, Harvard University

What explains trajectories of participatory innovations in comparative perspective? A research proposal,
ECPR General Conference Bordeaux 2013, with Dr. Sergiu Gherghina

Bringing Citizens Back into the Measurement of Democratic Quality,
ECPR General Conference Bordeaux 2013, mit Prof. Quinton Mayne, Harvard University

Panel: What explains Trajectories of Participatory innovations in comparative perspective?,
ECPR General Conference Bordeaux 2013, with Prof. Joan Font

Panel: Democratic innovations in a globalized world,
World International Studies Committee (WISC), Frankfurt, mit Dr. Sergiu Gherghina


Participatory Innovations in Europe – A Research Plan
Harvard Kennedy School, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation (14. März)

Institutional democratic Innovations in Europe: Between convergence and national path-dependency
Conference des Council for European Studies (CES), März

Can participatory innovations be explained by citizens’ political attitudes?
Conference der International Political Science Association, Madrid, Juli


Deliberative Mini-publics
IPSA-ECPR-conference, Febr. 2011, Sao Paulo, Panel-Chair und Discussant

Workshop: Effects of Participatory Innovations - Different Processes and Different Output
ECPR Joint Session, April 2011, St Gallen, Workshop Director

Democratic Innovations in Europe - a comparative perspective
ECPR General Conference, August 2011, Reykjavik: Panel Chair

How to Evaluate Political Participation beyond the Case-Study-Approach? Suggestions for a Criteria-Based Metaanalysis.
Conference: Methodological Challenges in Participation Research,
Cordoba, 4-5 Nov. 2005


Democratic Innovations,
Tagung der IPSA, Santiago, Chile


On the Evaluation of Democratic Innovations - A Preliminary Framework,
Chair of Section „Democratic Innovations and Innovative Democracy in Europe“,
5. General ECPR Conference, Potsdam.


Why Democratize Democracy? – Criteria for the Evaluation of Democratic Innovations,
Jahrestagung der APSA, Boston, USA.


Improving the Quality of Democracy at the Local Level:  German Experiences with Democratic Innovations,
Konferenz “Quality of Democracy, Participation and Governance: the Local Perspective”, Trento, Italien.


Cities in the European Union,
Tagung der European Union Studies Association, Montreal.


Democratic Mobilisation through Quotas – Experiences in India and Germany,
Chair/Discussant: Media and Democratic Legitimacy,
Tagung der IPSA, Fukuoka, Japan.


About Normative and Situative Criticism,
International Conference on Comparative Social Sciences,
Tokyo, Sophia University, Japan.


Panel: Urban Governance, Social Capital and the Political Public Sphere (with Sabine Lang, University of Washington, Seattle),
International Conference of the Council for European Studies, Chicago, USA.


Chair: The European Union and The Politics of Gender
Chair: Religion And The European Union,
APSA, Washington D.C., USA.


Critical Citizens: Democratic Potential or Democratic Threat?,
ECPR Conference, Budapest, Ungarn.


Types of Critics in East- and West-Germany,
APSA, Chicago, USA.


Participatory Governance? Theoretical Approaches and Case Study,
Pan-European International Relations Conference, The
Hague, Niederlande.


Participation and Mobilization of Politicians – the German Case,
Conference “Women’s Quotas in Urban Local Government: A Cross-national Comparison”, India International Centre, New Delhi, Indien.