Scientific Career - Prof. Dr. Brigitte Geißel

since 2012

Head of the Research Unit Democrativ Innovations

since 2009

Professor for Political Sciences and Political Sociology focussing on the Federal Republic of Germany within the European Context, Goethe University Frankfurt

Visiting Professor and Scolarships

2018 - 2019

Senior Fellow at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald, Project: The Participatory Future of Democracy

January 2017

Visiting Researcher at the WZB

2011 - 2012Visiting Senior Fellow at Harvard University, Cambridge
Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation
2010Visiting Professor at the Vietnamese German University, Saigon (Vietnam)
2008Visiting-Professor/Marie-Curie-Fellow, Interdisciplinary Centre of Excellence "Democracy: A Citizen Perspective" (D:CE), Abo-Akademi, Finland

Doctorate and Habiltation


Habilitation, Phillips-University Marburg. Title of Thesis:
"Politische Kritik - Gefahr oder Ressource für Demokratien? Eine empirische Analyse"


Receiving Doctorate Degree (Dr. phil.), TU Berlin, Grade: "summa cum laude"

Former Positions

2008 - 2009

Professor for Political Sciences: "Politisches System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Vergleichende Analyse politischer Systeme", Technical University of Darmstadt

2004 - 2008Senior Research Fellow at Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), Research Unit: Civil Society, Citizenship and Political Mobilization in Europe

2004 - 2005Visiting Professor at the Westfälischen Wilhems-University Münster, Institute of Political Sciences

2001 - 2003Senior Research and Teaching Fellow and Coordinator at Special Reserach Field 580 "Gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen nach dem Systemumbruch. Diskontinuitäten, Traditionen und Strukturbildung", Project: "Lokale Eliten",
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Social Sciences

2000 - 2001Senior Research and Teaching Fellow at TU Darmstadt, Institute of Political Sciences, and TU Berlin, Center for Technology and Society

1999Research Fellow at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Project: Civil Society Participation for Solving Local Environmental Problems

1994 - 1999Research and Teaching Fellow at TU Berlin, Institute for Social Sciences

1992 - 1993Stipend of the Association for Promoting Critical Social Studies (Vereins zur Förderung gesellschaftskritischer Sozialwissenschaft e.V.)

1989 - 1991Research Fellow at 'Zentralinstitut für Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung' at FU Berlin (Prof. Dr. Nils Diederich)


1983 - 1988

Student for Political Sciences at FU Berlin, Degree: Diplom-Politologin


Abitur at Röngten-Gymnasium, Würzburg

Offers of professorship


Goethe University Frankfurt (accepted)


TU Darmstadt, Chair for Political Science (accepted)


Georg-August-University Göttingen, Chair for Political Science and comparative Research of Political Culture (declined)