
Publications from the Global Identity Leadership Development Project

  • Monzani, L.*, Bibic, K.*, Haslam, S.A., Kerschreiter, K., Lemoine, J.E., , Steffens, N.K., Akfirat, S.A., Ballada, C.J.A., Bazarov, T., Aruta, J.J.B.R., Avanzi, L., Bunjak, A., Černe, M., Edelmann, C.M., Epitropaki, O., Fransen, K., García-Ael, C., Giessner, S., Gleibs, I., Godlewska-Werner, D., Kark, R., Laguia Gonzalez, A., Lam, H., Lupina-Wegener, A., Markovits, Y., Maskor, M., Molero Alonso, F.J., Moriano Leon, J.A., Neves, P., Pauknerová, D., Retowski, S., Roland-Lévy, C., Samekin, A., Sekiguchi, T., Story, J., Stouten, J., Sultanova, L., Tatachari, S., van Bunderen, L., van Dijk, D., Wong, S.I., & van Dick, R. (in press). Political Leaders' identity leadership and civic citizenship behavior: The mediating role of trust in fellow citizens and the moderating role of economic inequality. Political Psychology. 
  • Bracht, E., Monzani, L., Boer, D., Haslam, S.A., Kerschreiter, R., Lemoine, J.E., Steffens, N.K., Akfirat, S.A., Avanzi, L., Barghi, B., Dumont, K., Edelmann, C.M., Epitropaki, O., Fransen, K., Giessner, S., Gleibs, I.H., González, R., González, A.L., Lipponen, J., Markovits, Y., Molero, F., Moriano, J.A., , Neves, P., Orosz, G., Roland-Lévy, C., Schuh, S.C., Sekiguchi, T., Song, L.J., Story, J.S.P., Stouten, J., Tatachari, S., Valdenegro, D., van Bunderen, L., Vörös, V., Wong, S.I., Youssef, F., Zhang, X.-a., & van Dick, R. (2023). Innovation across cultures: connecting leadership, identification, and creative behavior in organizations. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 72(1), 348-388.
  • Laguía, A., Moriano, J. A., Molero, F., García-Ael, C., & van Dick, R. (2021). Identity leadership and work Engagement in Spain: A Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Identity Leadership Inventory. Universitas Psychologica, 2020, 1–13.
  • Van Dick, R., Cordes, B.L. Lemoine, J.E., Steffens, N.K., Haslam, S.A., Akfirat, S.A., Ballada, C.J.A., Bazarov, T., Aruta, J.J.B.R., Avanzi, L., Bodla, A.A., Bunjak, A., Černe, M., Dumont, K., Edelmann, C.M., Epitropaki, O., Fransen, K., García-Ael, C., Giessner, S., Gleibs, I., Godlewska-Werner, D., Gonzalez, R., Kark, R., Laguia Gonzalez, A., Lam, H., Lipponen, J., Lupina-Wegener, A., Markovits, Y., Maskor, M., Molero Alonso, F.J., Monzani, L., Moriano Leon, J.A., Neves, P., Orosz, G., Pandey, D., Retowski, S., Roland-Lévy, C., Samekin, A., Schuh, S., Sekiguchi, T., Song, L.J., Story, J., Stouten, J., Sultanova, L., Tatachari, S., Valdenegro, D., van Bunderen, L., van Dijk, D., Wong, S.I., Youssef, F., Zhang, X-a., & Kerschreiter, R. (2021). Identity leadership, employee burnout, and the mediating role of team identification: Evidence from the Global Identity Leadership Development project. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22):12081.
  • Van Dick, R., Lemoine, J.E., Steffens, N.K., Kerschreiter, R., Akfirat, S.A., Avanzi, L., Dumont, K., Epitropaki, O., Fransen, K., Giessner, S., Gonzáles, R., Kark, R., Lipponen, J., Markovits, Y., Monzani, L., Orosz, G., Pandey, D., Roland-Lévy, C., Schuh, S.C., Sekiguchi, T., Song, L.J., Stouten, J., Tatachari, S., Valdenegro, D., van Bunderen, L., Vörös, V., Wong, S.I., Zhang, X-a., & Haslam, S.A. (2018). Identity leadership going global: Validation of the Identity Leadership Inventory across 20 countries. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 91, 697-728. DOI: 10.1111/joop.12223

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