Studying with ERASMUS+ in Europe: Outgoings

courtesy of Melina Dreßler-Allame

With the help of the Erasmus+ Programme, students can complete part of their studies at another European university. The focus here is not only on learning achievements attained abroad and which are recognized back at home but also above all on an intercultural learning experience and an intercultural dialogue between young people in Europe. Detailed information, for example on conditions and funding, can be found on the website of the International Office of Goethe University Frankfurt.

The Faculty of Biological Sciences maintains close academic relations to several universities. If you are interested in taking part in an exchange with one of these universities, please contact Stefanie Rudolph, International Relations Officer. She can provide both general as well as specific advice on applications, scholarships and the formalities. Should you have any subject-related queries then please contact Professor Meike Piepenbring, Erasmus Departmental Coordinator. Both are happy to take the time to answer your questions on this subject or about going abroad in general (contact details can be found on the right).

The closing date for Erasmus+ exchanges is the 1st of February each year.

We organize an information session on the Erasmus+ Programme in the winter semester (Nov./Dec.) for students of the Faculty of Biological Sciences. Please watch out for announcements on this website, by email or on the noticeboards.

Further links

ERASMUS biological sciences meeting 2014

ERASMUS Treffen Apr 14 korr