Marija Grujic M.Sc.

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Scientific Assistant

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Fachbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Institut für Soziologie
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
Hauspostfach 26

60629 Frankfurt am Main




2011- current Doctoral student in Sociology and Member of IPP Transnational, Goethe University, Frankfurt a.M.
Short description of the doctoral project

2010: M.Sc in Religious Studies, Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies, Sarajevo University, Bosnia and Herzegovina [ ]

2006: B.A. in Philosophy, Philosophy Faculty, University of Belgrade, Serbia []

2004: Certificate in Women and Gender Studies, Political Faculty, University of Belgrade, Serbia []


2013- current Research Associate at the Chair for Women‘s and Gender Studies, Faculty for Social Sciences, Goethe University

2011: Research Support, at the Chair for Women‘s and Gender Studies, Faculty for Social Sciences, Goethe University

2008 – 2010: Student support at the joint research project „Ethos of Religious Peacebuilding in Bosnian and Herzegovina” of University of Bielefeld and Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina                           

2009 und 2010: Academic Advisor (on a temporal basis) on Peace and Conflict Resolution Research Projects, Independent Study Project (ISP, Independent Study Project (ISP) for Balkans

2009: Research Assistant:  “Modification of the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, Transcultural Psychosocial Foundation, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Scholarships, Grants and Visiting Scholarships

2015 Visiting Scholar at am Goldsmiths University, Centre for the Study of the Balkans

2014 Traveling Grant for ISA World Congress in Sociology, Vereinigung von Freunden und Förderern – Goethe University

2013 Traveling Grant for ASN World Convention, Vereinigung von Freunden und Förderern – Goethe University

2013 Conference Grant, Wenner-Gren Foundation

2011- 2013 DAAD Doctoral Scholarship

2008 M.Sc studies scholarship, International forum Bosnia, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina                           

2007 M.Sc studies scholarship, International Multicultural Interreligious Centre, Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina        



SoSe 19
Introduction to Gendered Nationalism

WS 18/19

WS 17/18

SoSe 2017

WS 16/17


WS 15/16

SoSe 2015

WS 2014/15

SoSe 2014

WS 13/14

Research Focus

  • Intersections of Gender, Nation, Religion and Class

  • Post-socialism and Nationalism; Balkanism and Orientalism

  • Gender, Displacement and Refugee Migration;

  • Intersectionality; Biographical Method and Discourse Approaches;


Edited Books

The Baseline Study on Faith-based Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Challenges on Non-Patriarchal Approach and Communities, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2007. (co-edited with LOGOS Team,

Journal Papers

Social Justice in Serbian Orthodox Church and Community, Status, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2011, pp.252-9

Chapters in Edited Volumes

The social and political production of ‘Orthodox Kosovo’ through the ‘Memorandums’ of the Serbian Orthodox Church
, in:  Kosovo-Serbia, Before and After Independence, Radeljic, Branislav, Mehmeti, Leandrit (ed.), Pittsburgh University Press (forthcoming 2015).

Orthodox Christianity and Gender Equality, in:  Iščekujući Evropsku Uniju: stabilizacija Međuetničkih i Međureligijiskih Odnosa na Zapadnom Balkanu, 2. (ed.) Milan Sitarski, Bartulović-Karastojković Ivana, BOŠ, Belgrade, Serbia, 2011, pp.17-49

Domestic Violence – an Orthodox perspective, in: Countering Violence with Dialogue - Gender-based violence and multi-religious dialogue, (ed.) Zilka Spahić Šiljak, Husić Sabiha, TPO Foundarion Sarajevo and Medica Zenica, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2011, pp.49-54

Interfaith Dialogue – an Orthodox perspective , in: in: Countering Violence with Dialogue Genderbased violence and multi-religious dialogue, (ed.) Zilka Spahić Šiljak, Husić Sabiha, TPO Foundarion Sarajevo and Medica Zenica, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2011, pp.133-143

Peace Activism and Women in Orthodox Christianity, in: Iščekujući Evropsku Uniju: stabilizacija Međuetničkih i Međureligijiskih Odnosa na Zapadnom Balkanu, 1. . (ed.) Milan Sitarski, Bartulović-Karastojković Ivana, Marko Vujačić, BOŠ, Belgrade, Serbia, 2010, pp. 25-35 (with  Milica Bakić Hayden)

The Orthodox Christian Perspective on Women Human Rights, In: Both Citizens and Believers (ed.) Zilka Spahić Šiljak, Anić Rebeka Jadranka, TPO, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2009, pp.123-167  (with Milica Bakić Hayden)

Conferences, Colloquium, Panels (organized and co-organized)

2015  Post-Home(Land): Being and Belonging after Spatial and Temporal Alienation  (co-organiser and co-convenor of the panel with Safet HadžiMuhamedović) - Inter-congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES), Bangkok, Thailand (

2014- 2015 Varieties of Feminisms – post-socialist encounters, Cornelia Goethe Centre Winter Colloquium, Goethe University Frankfurt Lecture Series (program:

2014  Why Discourse Matters? Theoretical and Methodological Practices of Discourse Approaches, organization and panel convenor, The Embodied Discourses: Discursive Positioning in Narrations (

2014 Why Discourse Matters? Theoretical and Methodological Practices of Discourse Approaches, organization and panel convenor Narrated and Embodied Discourses: Exploring Connections between Narrative and Discourse Analysis


Presented Papers

2015 July  Unhomely Homes – being and belonging in ‘internal displacement’, Inter-congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES), Bangkok, Thailand

2015 April Who are the ‘Kosovari’? Boundaries and Politics of Belonging in Contemporary Serbia, Workshop: Diaspora as Agents of Global Cooperation, Käte Hamburger Kolleg, Duisburg

2015 February   Home(land) and Away: Two Researchers’ Encounters With Affective Materiality in the ‘Balkans’, paper co-authored with Safet HadžiMuhamedović, Forum Transnational, Department of Sociology, Goethe University, Frankfurt,.

2014 July  The Ambivalence of Memory and History - the Case of Kosovo and Serbia in the Biographies of the Kosovo Serbs, Presented on ISA Word Congress in Sociology, Yokohama, Japan

July 2014  Who Are Kosovars? Multifaceted Positioning of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from Kosovo in Serbia, Presented on ISA Word Congress in Sociology, Yokohama, Japan,

December 2013 The Issues of Sexuality and Women´s Rights of the Magazine Pravoslavlje gendered national discourse(s) at “Gender, Society and Religion” Conference, University Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

 August 2013 Symbolic landscapes of the internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Kosovo in Serbia, IUAES Conference, Manchester, UK

 April 2013 The Intersection of the Religious, National and Gender Identities among Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from Kosovo in Serbia, ASN World Convention, Columbia University, New York, USA