Frequently asked questions on the survey


Why should I participate and take part in the survey?

We want to know first-hand (namely from you) about the doctoral experience at Goethe University. The survey feedback will enable a thorough analysis of the current situation and allows us to improve opportunities for doctoral candidates and develop new ideas.

How do I participate in the survey?

You will need a peronal access code, which will be included in the survey invitation. You can also contact us directly to request an access code via E-mail.

> More information for PhD candidates
> More information for supervisors

In which language can I fill out the questionnaire?

You can complete the survey in either English or German.

How long does it take? How much time should I allow for completing the survey?

About half an hour. You decide wether to answer all the questiones at once or in several stages.

Do I have to answer all questions?

No, you do not have to answer every single question. However, the more questions you answer, the more accurate and informative the survey results will be.

What about data privacy?

Compliance with data protection regulations has been reviewed and verified by the data protection supervisor of the Goethe University. The analysis of your data will be made anonymized. We will not perform any analyis that would allow the identification of individual survey participants.

> Data protection regulations

Who is conducting the survey?

The survey is beeing conducted by the Goethe Graduate Academy (GRADE) and was commissioned by Vice President Professor Dr. Enrico Schleiff.

How can I learn about the results of the survey?

The survey results will be compiled by the end of July. We will inform you about the results via print media and presentations.

What else can I do?

Take part in the survey! Remind your colleagues about it and motivate them to take part too!