First university-wide survey of doctoral candidates and supervisors.


* Are you happy? Or: "How can we improve the PhD experience at Goethe University?"

Take part in the first university-wide survey of doctoral candidates and supervisors.

Beginning April 8th, you can share your experiences and suggestions with us. Get involved in shaping the PhD experience at Goethe University.

The survey will take place until May 17th, 2013 and is carried out by the Goethe Graduate Academy (GRADE), under the authority of Professor Dr. Enrico Schleiff, Vice President of Goethe University.

The survey is completed!

Thank you for your participation! After finishing the statistical evaluation of the data, we will present the results.

Who can participate


PhD candidates

All PhD candidates at Goethe University are invited to take part in the survey. The participation is voluntary and does not depend on an admission to one of the faculties of Goethe University nor on an immatriculation. Either you receive your personal access code via E-mail or letter, or you can request it directly by writing us an E-mail.

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All supervisors, who are officially entitled to supervise a doctorate at one of the faculties of Goethe University, are personally invited to take part in the survey. The paricipation is voluntary. If you did not receive an invitation with your personal access code, please write an E-mail for your request.

What you should know

The essentials at a glance


The essentials at a glance

  • Participation is voluntary.
    Greater participation on the part of PhD candidates and supervisors will mean more robust data for developing concrete improvements.
  • ƒƒYou do not have to answer every single question.
    But the fewer questions you skip, the more accurate and useful the survey results will be.
  • The analysis of your data will be made anonymized.
    We will not perform any analyis that would allow the identification of individual survey participants. Compliance with data protection regulations has been reviewed and verified by the data protection supervisor of the Goethe University. 
  • 30 minutes for your own personal benefit.
    It takes about half an hour to complete the online survey, but you decide whether to answer all the questions at once or in several stages.
  • The questionnaire is provided in English or German.
    You decide wether to complete the survey in English or German.