ERASMUS+ Applications

General information:
Information sessions on Erasmus+ take place in the winter semester before the closing date.

Closing date:
1st of February of the respective year for exchanges in the following winter semester.
(If the 1st of February falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the first following Monday in February is the effective date.)

Prospective applicants:
Students at the Faculty of Biological Sciences of Goethe University Frankfurt from Erasmus+ participant countries as well as from third countries.

Duration of stay: 
Minimum 3 and maximum 12 months

Scholarship value: 
+ Waiving of tuition fees
+ Monthly mobility grant, currently about € 300 - € 420 depending on the target country
+ Subsidies for locally organized language courses

Terms and conditions: 
Bachelor students should have completed their first year of study and Masters students the first subject-related semester before going on an exchange. All students should be sufficiently proficient in the language of instruction and, where relevant, the local language too.

Please include all the documents and copies of your certificates listed below with your Erasmus+ application:

  • Application form (print-out of the online application form)
  • CV (in the language of instruction or English)
  • Letter of motivation (max. 3 pages in the language of instruction or English)
  • Transcript of Records for all modules to date (in German or English) 
  • University certificates (where available)
  • Language certificates/other proof of language proficiency (where available; a relevant school qualification (e.g. German Abitur) may also count)

Application forms and templates as well as the online application portal can be found on the International Office's website.

Selection procedure:
We try to send all Erasmus+ applicants to the university of their choice. Should several students apply for the same exchange place then places are allocated on the basis of personal motivation, linguistic aptitude and prior learning achievements. In such cases, all applicants are invited by Prof. Meike Piepenbring and Dr. Karen Hahn to a short interview. These interviews normally take place within 2-4 weeks after the closing date.

Field reports: 
Before choosing a university, we recommend that you also read the field reports by former Erasmus students. These contain not only tips on your potential destination but often also details of the course offer at the partner university.

International Office information