Recognition of academic achievements

Should you complete any academic achievements during your stay at an abroad partner university or other research institution, and wish to have them recognized as part of your degree program (e.g. internships), this must be agreed BEFOREHAND with the Program Coordinator or Program Director (Bachelor and Masters degree programs) or the Module Officer (teaching degree programs).

We recommend that you record the courses you have chosen at your partner university in what is referred to as a Learning Agreement. In the case of structured exchange programs, such as Erasmus+, this is mandatory (please refer to the special forms). If there is no Learning Agreement for the exchange program, we recommend that you use the Faculty's own template: Learning Agreement of the Faculty of Biological Sciences.

There is naturally no point in consulting your Program Coordinator, Program Director or Module Officer until after you have been accepted for an exchange!

To prepare your Learning Agreement and for later recognition of your learning achievements please contact: 

Bachelor in BiosciencesPreparation of Learning Agreement: Assistant to the Dean of StudiesDr. Schleucher
Recognition of Learning Achievements:
Dean of Studies
Prof. Dr. Dierkes
Masters in Physical Biology of Cells and Cell Interactions (PBioC)Programme CoordinatorDr. Smyrek
Masters in Interdisciplinary NeurosciencesProgramme CoordinatorDr. Lahner
Masters in Molecular BiotechnologyProgramme DirectorProf. Dr. Bode
Masters in Molecular BiosciencesProgramme CoordinatorDr. Fauth
Masters in Ecology and EvolutionProgramme DirectorProf. Dr. Brüggemann
Masters in Environmental Sciences (Faculty 11)Programme Coordinator Prof. Dr. Oehlmann
Teaching degrees (L3, L2, L5)Respective Module Conveners

L3 Module supervisors
L2/L5 Module supervisors

Contact Persons