
The Faculty of Biological Sciences offers a wide range of international exchange for studies, teaching and research.


All over the world governmental and non-governmental organisations initiate and implement projects dedicated to the conservation of natural resources. Such projects are ideally run by biologists who have knowledge and understanding of biodiversity related issues as well as managerial abilities. By the present spring school, expert knowledge, skills, and practical experience related to conservation project management will be taught to advanced students of biology and related subjects, to biologists at the beginning of their professional career, and to junior project managers from Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Teachers will be professionals and practitioners of biodiversity-related institutions of Frankfurt am Main but also from institutions outside. We aim at providing an insight in managerial and project management aspects of professional fields for biologists and to promote future managers and leaders of conservation projects.

For more details concerning the Spring School see www.frankfurtspringschool.de

FB15 - ERASMUS Verantwortliche

Institut für Ökologie, Evolution und Diversität
Arbeitsgruppe Mykologie

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Meike Piepenbring

Biologicum, Campus Riedberg
Gebäudeteil D, Raum 2.423
Max-von-Laue-Straße 13
60438 Frankfurt am Main

T +49 69 798-42222

nach Vereinbarung 

For general information on outgoings and incoming opportunities, please contact the International Office; for departmental issues, please contact Dr. Karen Hahn, the department's foreign representative.