Doctoral Studies at the Faculty of Biological Sciences

Earning a PhD in the Faculty of Biological Sciences

Please note: as of 1 July 2019, only the new forms linked below will be accepted.

For your support throughout the various stages of your doctoral studies, you may find both information and the necessary forms in the download section below:

  • The form „Antrag auf Annahme als Doktorand*in“ (“Application for Acceptance as a Doctoral Student“) of our faculty differs from the form provided by the PhD Office (Promotionsbüro). You must use our form, which you may fill out on your computer (see comments below).
  • Since 21 February 2022, the following documents for acceptance as a doctoral student must be submitted:
  1. Two hard copies of the application form with original signatures (no digital signatures).
  2. Exposé about your PhD-project with timeline (2 pages)
  3. Bachelor- & Master Certificates with Transcript of records.
  4. Original language and translation (English OR German possible). Present the original if the diplomas are not from Goethe University, or certified copies of the diplomas and Transcript of Records.
  5. Master-thesis as a pdf-file, sent by e-mail
  6. Current CV included with the data of your school career
  • The form „Nachmeldung Zweitbetreuer*in“ (“Follow-up Registration of Co-Supervisor“) needs to be handed in only by doctoral candidates who have submitted their „Antrag auf Annahme als Doktorand*in“ (“Application for Acceptance as a Doctoral Student“) after 1 April 2017 and did not name a Co-Supervisor in their application. Please see item 1.2 of our Q&A (Fragen und Antworten) for further information.
  • The portal enables doctoral candidates to register independently for their doctoral studies. However, online registration may only be carried out after the form "Application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate" has been signed by the Dean.
Instruction as pdf

Here you will find instructions on how to register.

Instruction videos
Employed doctoral candidates

Prospective doctoral candidates employed at Goethe University must log in with their user name and password provided by the university at After successful login, the role "Employee (reading) Goethe University" must be selected in the drop-down menu at the top right instead of the role "Guest organisational units". You can then use the usual click path 
Three dashes at the top left of the screen > Service > Applications > Doctorate 
Please also note the following support note: Registration only works with the HRZ user name and HRZ password. Logging in with your work e-mail address and HRZ password will not work and will generate an error message.

Possible mistakes

The most common mistake when registering doctoral candidates has proven to be finding the right entry point. If the entry point is not found, this leads to 

  • Prospective doctoral candidates assume that they have already submitted a doctoral application by successfully setting up an account (successfully setting up a user name and password).
  • prospective doctoral candidates assume that they have submitted an application for registration by applying for a degree program.

klick here

klick here


Graduates of Universities of Applies Sciences and graduates of foreign universities may find important information in the respective files which must be considered before applying for acceptance as a doctoral student.

  • If necessary, please use the additional forms such as „Antrag auf Änderung des Arbeitstitels“ (“Application for Change of Working Title“), „Betreuerwechsel“ (“Application for Change of Supervisor“), or „Antrag auf Genehmigung einer publikationsbasierten Promotion“ („Application for Publication Based Thesis“).

  • The form „Angaben zur Form der Dissertation“ („Thesis Type Specification“) must be submitted with your thesis at the PhD Office (Promotionsbüro).

  • The Merkblatt (faculty leaflet) contains information on binding internal regulations

  • The file „Fragen und Antworten“ (Q&A) will answer most of your remaining questions.

For better legibility, all forms should be filled out electronically. The forms „Antrag auf Annahme als Doktorand*in“ and „Nachmeldung ZweitbetreuerIn“ can be filled out using Adobe Acrobat Reader, PDF-XChange Viewer und Foxit Reader (to name but a few).

Should you have any further questions, please contact the Dean's Office by email or phone. Should you want to come by in person, please make an appointment.

Useful links