Bridging Courses


Solid knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology is required to study in the Bachelor's Degree Program in the Biological Sciences. Students who would like to refresh their skills in one of those subjects or who would like to improve their knowledge of biodiversity, standard computer software or foreign languages, are encouraged to attend our preparatory courses.

Mathematics Bridging Course

In addition to refreshing mathematical school knowledge (differentiation, integration, vector calculus, etc.), we also offer in a second module first insights into the mathematics used in our studies (integration/differentiation in Rn, matrices, Taylor series, differential equations).

Further information about the Mathematics Bridging Course  (in German).

Pre-course Chemistry

Experience has shown that the module "General and Inorganic Chemistry" already represents a serious critical obstacle in the first semester. If possible, you should therefore attend the preliminary course in chemistry before the start of the semester.

Further information about the chemistry pre-course (in German).

Basic Course Chemistry

This online course gives a brief overview of the basics of chemistry (ideally learned at school).

Further information about the basic course Chemistry (in German).

Pre-course Physics 

If you would like to refresh your knowledge of physics, you can take part in the preliminary course Physics for Pharmacists, Bioscientists and Chemists before the start of the semester, in which the school material is repeated with intensive practice phases.

Further information on the pre-course Physics (in German).

Excursions into biodiversity

For the preparation of the biology studies we offer natural history excursions in Frankfurt. You will get to know a variety of plants, fungi and animals and receive a lot of exciting information about their ecology, morphology and systematics. The excursions start in September.

Further information and registration for the excursions into biodiversity (in German).

Language courses

If you want to learn languages or improve your language skills (English - French - Italian - Spanish), you can use the Campus Language Training

(To register you will need an e-mail address of the University of Frankfurt.)