Dean's Office Faculty 15 Biological Sciences


The Dean's Office is the point of contact for all concerns of employees and students in the Faculty of Biosciences. It consists of Dean, Dean of Studies and Vice-Dean. They are supported by the Dean's Officer (Dr. F. Foß-Helmer), the Dean of Studies Officer (Dr. A. Wittekindt), the Research and International Affairs Officer (Dr. A Schrimpf-Alt) and several staff members. The telephone numbers and e-mail addresses can be found on the "Contact" tab of the left navigation bar.

The Examination Office also belongs to the Dean's Office. The Examination Office is supervised by the Dean of Studies. For all questions concerning examinations, please contact Ms. U. Feigenbutz, Ms S. Luckert or Ms. S. Horst.

The tasks and duties of a Dean's Office are described as follows in the Hessian Higher Education Act (HHG):

"The Dean's Office heads the Faculty and is responsible for all tasks that are not included in the competence of the Faculty Council. The Dean's Office prepares the decisions of the Faculty Council and implements them. It concludes agreements on objectives with the Presidium and decides on the use of personnel and material resources within the framework of the structural plan and the commitments concerning the equipment of a department. The Dean's Office is responsible for the organization of studies and examinations and provides administrative support for the evaluation procedures." (HHG §45 paragraph 1, non-legally binding translation)