Prof. Dr. Andreas Nölke



Since 2007, Andreas Nölke is Professor of Political Science, in particular International Relations and International Political Economy, at the Goethe University Frankfurt. He obtained his Master's degree in Public Administration at the University of Konstanz (1988), and he earned his doctorate in Political Science (with distinction) at the same university (1993). In addition to his academic posts, between 1988 and 1996 Andreas Nölke served as a part-time consultant in the field of development cooperation, mainly for the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), but also for the European Commission and the World Bank.

Between 1993 and 2001 Andreas Nölke taught International Relations and Development Studies at the Universities of Konstanz and Leipzig. He recieved his Habilitation grade from Leipzig University in 2004, based on a thesis on transnational policy networks. In 2001, he was a visiting research fellow at the Department of Political Science at Rutgers University. Andreas Nölke then worked as a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Political Science at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, besides teaching at the University College of Utrecht University. In addition to his current assignment to Goethe University, Andreas Nölke is associated with the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE. During the winter term 2008/9 he was a visiting research fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne.

From 2009 -2011 Andreas Nölke served as Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Goethe University. He acted as Programme Chair of the Seventh Pan-European International Relations Conference (Stockholm) in 2010.

Andreas Nölke is associate editor of the "Routledge Studies in Globalisation" and of the "Journal of Economic Policy Reform".