Dec 20 2023

Obituary for private lecturer Dr. Wolfgang Schroedter​

At the beginning of December 2023, Wolfgang Schroedter passed away, who had been an private lecturer in our department for almost a quarter of a century. He belonged to a generation of social scientists who combined social-psychological knowledge and sociological expertise in an and sociological expertise in an original way and was formative for the history of sociology in Frankfurt. After studying sociology (with the minor subjects of psychology, education and political science) at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Goethe University, Wolfgang Schroedter received his doctorate in 1979 under Alfred Lorenzer. Twenty years later, he completed his habilitation at the same department and was authorized to teach sociology with a focus on social psychology.

Over the past decades, his seminars on medical sociology and social psychology have sociology and social psychology topics, he has made a decisive contribution to the enrichment of the department. His students and colleagues will always remember him and his unusual gift of combining his practical experience in the therapeutic field with sociological topics and issues and questions will be greatly missed. With Wolfgang Schroedter, the department has lost an important representative of sociology informed by social psychology, who always had an open ear for the concerns of the students and whose scientific and therapeutic work had an impact far beyond the far beyond the borders of the university.