About us

Who we are

The MakeLab is a student driven initiative that arose from the idea of providing low-threshold access to modern rapid prototyping methods such as 3D printing, 3D scanning or laser cutting.

While many universities have been running so-called “FabLabs" and “Makerspaces" for a long time, there was unfortunately a gap at Goethe University until the MakeLab was founded in 2016.

We see ourselves as an active, self-organized place for learning and creating.

Of course, in addition to the necessary introductions to the devices, we are also at your side with advice, but we want to encourage your own engagement with projects and problem solving wherever possible.

That sounds great!

As an open project, we look forward to everyone who enjoys the places possibilities of making - be it by simply using the MakeLab every now and then, or want to join our team.

Feel free to write us an email or just drop by during the current opening times.