
Framework and questions:

  • Project designed for 3 years
  • How can students get involved in contributing to sustainability?
  • How can we learn from each other sustainably?
  • What contribution can we make to sustainability at Goethe University?
  • Where are our own processes in need of improvement in terms of sustainability?
  • What can we do more efficiently?

Measures to date include:

  • Material-friendly storage and quality-preserving measures in the FDM printing process
  • Material preparation & recovery in the SLS printing process
  • Sustainability in the project and university
    • Example project SimonsVoss Transponder Sleeve
    • Recycling of printing waste
  • Energy-saving measures, e.g. through
    • Remote access 3D printer & power supply
    • Optimization of printer profiles
To make it easier for students with visual impairments to orient themselves on  campus, we have created models of various campuses and university locations that can be produced using 3D printing. We are still improving the haptics through feedback we collected from people with visual impairment.

Shown in the pictures at the left are two of the tactile campus maps that were printed at makelab. On the left is the map of the Bockenheim campus and on the right is the map of the IG-Farben Campus (Westend).

At our Maker Cafés, which take place several times a year, students can come together in a cozy atmosphere and get to know the possibilities of our Makerspace. There are usually one ore more workshops in various areas.

Partnership Accelerate Rapid Prototyping And Repair Culture (ARPARC) is taking place as part of the „Digital Teaching and Learning Lab“. 

In our project "Back to the Future", we not only dealt with analog computers on a theoretical level, but also experimented practically on analog computers specially designed for teaching purposes. The project ended in 2024, but the exploration continues, ask at the opening hours or at the Maker Cafe if you are interested in trying out the analog computers at MakeLab. On the left you see a picture one of the workshops and sessions we have held with the analog computers in Makelab. Below you will find two pictures of a workshop in which some participated as part of the excursion to the 37th Chaos Communication Congress.

Framework and questions:

  • Project designed for 3 years
  • How can students get involved in contributing to sustainability?
  • How can we learn from each other sustainably?
  • What contribution can we make to sustainability at Goethe University?
  • Where are our own processes in need of improvement in terms of sustainability?
  • What can we do more efficiently?

Measures to date include:

  • Material-friendly storage and quality-preserving measures in the FDM printing process
  • Material preparation & recovery in the SLS printing process
  • Sustainability in the project and university
    • Example project SimonsVoss Transponder Sleeve
    • Recycling of printing waste
  • Energy-saving measures, e.g. through
    • Remote access 3D printer & power supply
    • Optimization of printer profiles
To make it easier for students with visual impairments to orient themselves on  campus, we have created models of various campuses and university locations that can be produced using 3D printing. We are still improving the haptics through feedback we collected from people with visual impairment.

Shown in the pictures at the left are two of the tactile campus maps that were printed at makelab. On the left is the map of the Bockenheim campus and on the right is the map of the IG-Farben Campus (Westend).

At our Maker Cafés, which take place several times a year, students can come together in a cozy atmosphere and get to know the possibilities of our Makerspace. There are usually one ore more workshops in various areas.

Partnership Accelerate Rapid Prototyping And Repair Culture (ARPARC) is taking place as part of the „Digital Teaching and Learning Lab“. 

In our project "Back to the Future", we not only dealt with analog computers on a theoretical level, but also experimented practically on analog computers specially designed for teaching purposes. The project ended in 2024, but the exploration continues, ask at the opening hours or at the Maker Cafe if you are interested in trying out the analog computers at MakeLab. On the left you see a picture one of the workshops and sessions we have held with the analog computers in Makelab. Below you will find two pictures of a workshop in which some participated as part of the excursion to the 37th Chaos Communication Congress.

This 3D DNA model was printed and constructed at MakeLab as part of Critical Gemonics. Critical Genomics is a student initiative at Goethe University that organizes an interdisciplinary lecture series and a summer school on genomics. It will take place from April to August 2024 in Frankurt am Main. Its aim is to create a time and place where students from the humanities and life sciences can educate each other through critical discussion about the field of genomics.

For a project by bioinformatics students, 3D-printed amino acid models were created to visualize the composition of protein chains and to practice these with the modular models.

makelab printed larynx-models for medicinal simulationtraining.
Here you can watch a training video.

This 3D DNA model was printed and constructed at MakeLab as part of Critical Gemonics. Critical Genomics is a student initiative at Goethe University that organizes an interdisciplinary lecture series and a summer school on genomics. It will take place from April to August 2024 in Frankurt am Main. Its aim is to create a time and place where students from the humanities and life sciences can educate each other through critical discussion about the field of genomics.

For a project by bioinformatics students, 3D-printed amino acid models were created to visualize the composition of protein chains and to practice these with the modular models.

makelab printed larynx-models for medicinal simulationtraining.
Here you can watch a training video.