Equal Opportunities Representative

The full women's assembly of the department has elected Naomi Rachel Hoffmann as the equal opportunities representative of the faculty, and Mandy Gratz and Gloria Fears-Heinzel as deputies.

The equal opportunities representative

  • advises students and employees in cases of gender-based discrimination
  • advises in conflicts
  • advises those affected by sexual harassment as well as the university departments on preventive measures
  • acts in an advisory capacity in structural and development planning and in all personnel decisions - especially in personnel procedures–in order to ensure equal opportunities in the higher education reform process
  • ensures that equal opportunities become relevant as a performance criterion in the teaching, research and staff structure evaluations
  • is responsible for developing, implementing and updating plans for equal opportunities for women
  • promotes the integration of gender studies in research and teaching in all faculties
  • cooperates with other women's and equal opportunities officers and with non-university (women's) initiatives

The women's general assembly of each institute elects the institute's equal opportunities officer and her deputy.

The equal opportunities representative of the departments:

Department of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature

Mandy Gratz      Marília Jöhnk 

Department of German Literature 

Esther Köhring     Frederike Middelhoff

Department of Psycholinguistics and the Didactics of German

Tanja Kunz    Dr. Barbara Voet-Cornelli

Department of English and American Studies

Gloria Fears-Heinzel    Monika Beck

Department of Romance Literatures and Languages

Dr. Roberta Colbertaldo     Dr. Lena Schönwälder     Silvia Schaefer

Department of Linguistics

Yvonne Portele     Elke Höhe-Kupfer     Ayline Heller

Department for Children's and Young Adult Literature and Research


Department of Theatre, Film and Media Studies

Marion Biet     Maren Fellner     Yasemin Kis     Marina Werner

Department of Scandinavian Studies

PD Dr. Jackie Nordström     Dr. Katja Schulz     Miriam Schmitthenner

Last update march 2024