Faculty Board

The Faculty Board's function is to consider all matters of fundamental importance to the faculty. These include
  • Regulations that govern degree courses and examinations
  • Proposals for the institution or suspension of degree courses
  • Coordination of research projects
  • Implementation of the staff structure plan
  • Approval and monitoring of the strategic plan agreed between the Faculty and the governing body of the University
  • Decisions on professorial appointments
  • Delegation of research and teaching tasks to faculty members
  • Proposals concerning the institution or suspension of technical resources
  • Decisions on the establishment of committees
  • Regulations concerning the use of faculty property
  • Election of the Dean, the faculty examination board, the curricular advisory body, and the faculty representatives on the university examination board; appointment of the board of electors

Members of the Faculty Board

The Faculty Board comprises: seven professors, three students, two non-professorial teaching staff and one member of the administrative or technical staff. The members of the Dean's Office are on the Faculty Board in an advisory capacity. The Dean is Chair of the Faculty Board.

DeanProf. Dr. Rembert Hüser
Vice Dean
Prof. Dr. Katharina Hartmann
StudiendekaninProf. Dr. Britta Viebrock

Professors (7)



Heinz Drügh (IDLD)

Susanne Komfort-Hein (IDLD)
Achim Geisenhanslüke (AVL)
Judith Kasper (AVL)
Katharina Hartmann (LING)
Frank Kügler (LING)
Jacopo Torregrossa (ROM)
Gert Webelmuth (IEAS)
Susanne Scholz (IEAS)
Heike Schäfer (IEAS)
Petra Schulz (PSY)
Angela Grimm (PSY)
Markus Bader (LING)

Helmut Weiß (LING)

Non-professorial teaching staff (2)



Yvonne Portele (LING)

Anna Roth (PSY)

Daniel Dornhofer (IEAS)

Timo Rouget (IDLD)

Students (3)



Louisa Rowena Münden (IEAS)

Lou Pfeiffer (IEAS)

Dennis Erdinc (IDLD/Lehramt)

Felix Hitzel (IDLD)

Maria Egorova (IEAS)

Rae Dageleva (IEAS)

Member of the administrative or technical staff (1)



Anke Stakemann (Linguistik)

Miriam Schmitthenner (Skandinavistik)