
The end of high school is approaching and you still don't know what you want to study? Of course, we can't tell you what's best for you - only you can do that - but we can help you make the right decision!

Each year, as part of our major school event MainStudy, we offer a workshop to help you take a deeper look at your own particular interests and strengths.

If you want to get to the heart of selecting the right degree program - i.e. your personal values, skills and interests - then you are cordially invited to take our online course "Your Choice - Dein Studienwahl-Tuning" (in German). 

The course comprises three parts. Each part takes about 60-90 minutes to complete.

Your Choice - Dein Studienwahl-Tuning, Teil I - Einführung und Werte

Goethe University's Online Study Choice Assistants (OSA) are an online service for students to help you choose a course of study. In the OSAs, you can compare your own expectations and interests with those of the subject, solve knowledge tasks in a playful way, and receive important information about everyday university life and course content in short video clips.

Sometimes, we are not aware of the obvious. Especially when it comes to your own abilities, you're likely to have a number of blind spots. The ability to see that what comes easily to you and doesn't require much effort eludes most people. You usually need an outside perspective.

Friends and family are an immense resource who can provide you with a different view on yourself and many other aspects of your life. Be sure to use them as mentors! These are the people who know you best. Ask them to give you feedback on your skills and interests. Have conversations with them about possible majors, careers, goals, and your aspirations. Develop and strengthen your own point of view and vision of the future.

Use your conversations with people around you to learn as much as possible about careers and fields of study you may not know much about. For example, does an uncle work in event planning for an airline? What exactly does he do? Talk to him and find out! Maybe there's an opportunity to visit him at work or do an internship? Do you have a cousin who is studying nutrition at the University of Giessen? Go with her to lectures and check out the program for yourself.

Your social environment can be an important resource for you: Broaden your perspective on yourself and your future!

The end of high school is approaching and you still don't know what you want to study? Of course, we can't tell you what's best for you - only you can do that - but we can help you make the right decision!

Each year, as part of our major school event MainStudy, we offer a workshop to help you take a deeper look at your own particular interests and strengths.

If you want to get to the heart of selecting the right degree program - i.e. your personal values, skills and interests - then you are cordially invited to take our online course "Your Choice - Dein Studienwahl-Tuning" (in German). 

The course comprises three parts. Each part takes about 60-90 minutes to complete.

Your Choice - Dein Studienwahl-Tuning, Teil I - Einführung und Werte

Goethe University's Online Study Choice Assistants (OSA) are an online service for students to help you choose a course of study. In the OSAs, you can compare your own expectations and interests with those of the subject, solve knowledge tasks in a playful way, and receive important information about everyday university life and course content in short video clips.

Sometimes, we are not aware of the obvious. Especially when it comes to your own abilities, you're likely to have a number of blind spots. The ability to see that what comes easily to you and doesn't require much effort eludes most people. You usually need an outside perspective.

Friends and family are an immense resource who can provide you with a different view on yourself and many other aspects of your life. Be sure to use them as mentors! These are the people who know you best. Ask them to give you feedback on your skills and interests. Have conversations with them about possible majors, careers, goals, and your aspirations. Develop and strengthen your own point of view and vision of the future.

Use your conversations with people around you to learn as much as possible about careers and fields of study you may not know much about. For example, does an uncle work in event planning for an airline? What exactly does he do? Talk to him and find out! Maybe there's an opportunity to visit him at work or do an internship? Do you have a cousin who is studying nutrition at the University of Giessen? Go with her to lectures and check out the program for yourself.

Your social environment can be an important resource for you: Broaden your perspective on yourself and your future!