Learning German

There are many opportunities for international students enrolled at Goethe University to learn German or improve their German language skills. The Internationales Studienzentrum (ISZ) is responsible for most of the courses and also offers additional services, such as the Schreibcafé, to help students with their term papers. In general, courses at the beginning or during your studies are free of charge.

Students can also take online language courses at any time to improve their German, either in addition to a regular language course or independently.

Course offers

Preparatory courses for the DSH exams ("Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang") and intensive language courses of 5 weeks to help you get ready for your studies in Germany (20 hours/week; fee required)!

There are language programs for exchange students that are free of charge. Courses are held at the beginning of each semester.

International students will find a variety of opportunities to improve their German free of charge!

There are also beginner's courses for students of the English-language master's programs (without DSH exam, for beginners and advanced learners).

The Goethe Graduate Academy (GRADE) offers a range of German courses specifically for PhD candidates.

External German-language courses

In an international city like Frankfurt, you can find many German courses that are offered outside of the university. But you will have to pay for them. The following is a list of institutions in Frankfurt that offer language courses.