Profile M.A. Economic Sociology

The MA Economic Sociology offers research-oriented training in the sociological analysis of the modern economy in its social and historical contexts. It looks at the social, cultural, institutional and political foundations and interconnections of economic action and economic processes from a social science perspective.

Central topics are markets, work, the culture of the economy and the institutional embedding of transnational economic processes. Special emphasis is placed on studying stakeholders and processes in global financial markets.

Typical questions, among others, are:

  • Is economic action always geared towards rational cost-benefit considerations? What role do social networks, politics, institutions and culture play in the economy?
  • What alternative organisational principles of economic activities existed historically, and which still exist today? How do different markets differ in their structure and genesis? What does the penetration of market principles into other social spheres mean for modern society?
  • What are the consequences of the flexibilisation and subjectivisation of work for people and the organisations in which they work?
  • In the age of globalisation, is politics losing its power to shape the economy?
  • What new kinds of resource conflicts, power imbalances and social formations are emerging between the economy, society and the state?
  • What effects has the financial crisis of the last years had on public perception of the financial sector, the actions of the stakeholders involved and the decisions made by economic and political institutions?

Frankfurt Peculiarities

Frankfurt am Main, as one of the most important European locations of the global financial sector, and the Rhine-Main region as a metropolitan area and logistics hub are ideal starting points for the analysis of economic sociology questions.

Apart from its geographical position, the programme is characterised by a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from economic sociology to aspects of labour and organisational sociology to questions of international political economy.

In the framework of a compulsory elective module, students can either undertake advanced studies in a thematic area at the Faculty of Social Sciences or choose one of two options at the Faculty of Economics and Business: Microeconomics or Macroeconomics.

Quality Assurance through System Accreditation

As a quality assurance process, accreditation at Goethe University Frankfurt aims to ensure high-quality degree programmes. In Hessen, degree programmes are generally accredited, in accordance with Section 12 (2) Hessian Higher Education Act, before teaching operations commence. Since the university was accepted for system accreditation, accreditation has been conducted as an internal (re)accreditation process when degree programmes are established or continued.

Image credits: Kristin Langholz