Profile M.A. Sociology

Sociology studies at Goethe University Frankfurt are guided by the idea of conveying social science thinking and research in its breadth on the basis of both theoretical considerations and empirical analyses. In the tradition of Frankfurt social sciences, in the course of the MA Sociology degree programme students should acquire the ability to work independently according to academic principles and to apply scientific methods and findings to socially relevant issues. The consecutive and research-based MA Sociology therefore teaches advanced knowledge of sociological theories and methods, as well as giving students the skills they need to use research results and methods independently and according to the principles of good academic practice in order to develop their own questions and pursue them from a well-founded, practical research approach.

Frankfurt Peculiarities

The Institute of Sociology at Goethe University Frankfurt is the second largest university-based social science education and research institution in the Germany. It builds on the Frankfurt School's tradition of critical theory. A total of 23 professors and their teams teach and conduct research at the institute on topics from the entire spectrum of social science research. Research priorities include sociological theories; empirical methods; social structure and social inequality; family and education; social psychology and culture; gender, migration and diversity; economy, work and organisation; knowledge, technology and environment.

This is enhanced through close cooperation with the following institutions:

The MA Sociology offers a wide range of options.  Students choose three out of eight possible compulsory elective modules and can also choose specific courses within these modules.

In addition to the compulsory electives, all students attend the introductory module “Sociological Theory, History of Sociology and Philosophy of Science” and attend two research practice courses, where they deepen their knowledge of methods and prepare their own empirical research work. The research practice courses can be used to prepare the master’s dissertation.

Quality Assurance through System Accreditation

As a quality assurance process, accreditation at Goethe University Frankfurt aims to ensure high-quality degree programmes. In Hesse, degree programmes are generally accredited, in accordance with Section 12 (2) Hessian Higher Education Act, before teaching operations commence. Since the university was accepted for system accreditation, accreditation has been conducted as an internal (re)accreditation process when degree programmes are established or continued.

Image credits: Kristin Langholz