Forschung Frankfurt | Archive from 1.2020 to date

​2.2021 | In motion

Message from the Editors, Table of Content 


Stroboscope images for physics lessons 

Motion with consequences 

Animal migration in the “Serengeti of the East"
The extraordinary migratory behaviour of the Mongolian gazelle poses major challenges for nature conservation
By Markus Bernards 

Ocean sunshade
How clouds influence climate change

By Andreas Lorenz-Meyer 

When cancer cells migrate
How metastases develop in the brain

By Anja Störiko 

Faster and faster 

The unmoved mover
How the tiniest particles approach the speed of light

By Dirk Eidemüller 

Video recognition:
Spot the difference?

By Markus Bernards 

Tickling Schrödinger's cat
When a molecule flies apart and stays bound at the same time

By Dirk Eidemüller 

Humans in motion 

Kids' stuff?
ADHD can affect adults too

By Jan Schwenkenbecher 

What can sport achieve?
Final score from a research project on immigrant integration

By Jan Schwenkenbecher 

Dampening cramp
Sports physician shows that targeted training with electrical impulses raises cramp threshold frequency

By Anne Hardy 

Motion with meaning 

Speaking with our hands
How gestures and facial expressions can underline, supplement and modify the meaning of words

By Anke Sauter 

The fox who came in from the cold
How biologist Günter Tembrock used film for his behavioural research

By Sophia Gräfe 

Mobile production, mobile consumption
How the mobility of devices has changed film production

By Laura Laabs 


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​1.2021 | The Pandemic: What´s Here To Stay

Reasons of state in the pandemic 

Life in the pandemic

Coronavirus as magnifier

Emerging stronger from the crisis

 2.2020 | Climate Crisis

Message from the editors and content

What influences the atmosphere

Global warming: Once a promise, now a threat
On the research of the greenhouse effect up to the Paris Climate Agreement

Markus Bernards 

When the Arctic was tropical
What we can learn from the warm periods of the past

Anne Hardy 

Greenhouse gases thought dead
Searching for traces in the atmosphere

Jan Schwenkenbecher 

Living in a changing climate

Adaptation or extinction: Species diversity in a warming world
Can mutually dependent plants and animals stay in sync?

Markus Bernards

The forest of the future… 
… needs different trees. Researchers are working out which ones

Jan Schwenkenbecher 

The parasites invasion
Tropical diseases

Heinz Hänel 

»West Nile fever, hantavirus infections and leishmaniasis will soon become highly relevant diseases in Central Europe«
Interview with Sven Klimpel

Markus Bernards 

The source of life
How climate change affects global groundwater levels

Tim Schröder 

Humans and climate crisis

The end of a singularly beautiful, calm spring day
For the political philosopher Darrel Moellendorf, climate policy is a question of global justice

Rolf Wiggershaus 

The power of the pen

I consume, therefore I am
Why sustainable consumer behaviour is so difficult to realise

Birgit Blättel-Mink 

Water as a weapon
Climate change makes perfidious forms of exercising power even more effective and harmful

Christina Kohler 

»As if the Earth were for all time Earth«
How German literature relates the story of the era of the Great Acceleration

Bernhard Malkmus 

Back to the future
How a new stage play evolved at Schauspiel Frankfurt

»Conspiracy theorists have the better stories«
Stephanie Dreyfürst champions improved communication of scientific topics 

Anke Sauter 

From knowledge to action

Wrangling at length
A brief overview of the (less than successful) pas de deux between science and politics in the struggle to mitigate climate change

Birgit Blättel-Mink

Overcoming our weaker ecological self
Why it is so difficult to abandon old habits

Jeannette Schmid 

(In)credibly green?
How investors seek orientation in the booming green bond market 

Pia Barth 

Can education prevent forest fires?
Between drill and personal responsibility: How education in the spirit of sustainable development might look

Helge Kminek 

Taking action on climate change

Main? Or Milan?
How climate change is making itself felt in Frankfurt am Main and what the city can do about it

Stephan M. Hübner 

Making mobility climate-friendly without sacrifice

Anja Störiko 

Underwater battery in a quarry lake
Innovative intermediate storage for solar and wind energy

Anne Hardy 

Fusion energy: Solar fire on Earth
The vision of clean and inexhaustible electricity

Dirk Eidemüller

How EU agricultural policy could contribute to climate protection
Heike Nitsch and Jörg Schramek

»Research is our lever«
Professor Birgitta Wolff, President of Goethe University, on the growing significance of sustainability research during her term of office 

Standpoint: Will we sort it out or not? 

News from science and research

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1.2020 | Living in a digital world – opportunities, risks, and side-effects

»Digital technologies are naturally no panacea«
Interview with Friedericke Hardering, labour market sociologist

By Anke Sauter

Of shitstorms and »candystorms«
Interview with sociologist Christian Stegbauer

By Dirk Frank

Digitalisation and sustainability – not a contradiction
Energy-efficient computers such as that of Volker Lindenstruth and his team provide an ecological cushion for growing data hunger

By Regina Kremer

The »Criminal Law« of predictive society
…or how »smart« algorithms (could) change the administration of criminal justice

By Christoph Burchard

When trust no longer plays a role
On the future of freedom in smart orders

By Klaus Günther

»I have nothing to hide« – really?
Differentiation versus discrimination by AI, algorithms and digital services

By Indra Spiecker genannt Döhmann

»The flypaper problem«
Data protection in theory and practice: a conversation with Professor Indra Spiecker 

By Anke Sauter

Copyright law in dispute
Digital access culture vs. analogue culture of exclusivity

By Alexander Peukert

A question of striking the right balance
How do digital media influence how we think and act?

By Yee Lee Shing, Isabelle Ehrlich and Christian Fiebach

A »flight recorder« for better learning
»Learning analytics«: Making digital data usable for greater educational success

By Anja Störiko

Epilepsy research: Will the digital doctor soon be assisting?
Neurologists want to use large datasets for early detection

By Anne Hardy

A new type of writer
The first book by AI author »B. Writer«

By Jan Schwenkenbecher

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