FAQ about Language Proficiency

You can prove your language skills by means of a language certificate from a language institute or a language school or a language certificate issued by a language assistant at Goethe University Frankfurt. Please note that the proof of language proficiency which you submit must not be older than two years at the time of applying. If you are applying for an Erasmus+ mobility in a German-speaking country, you do not have to present proof of language proficiency. (Exception Universität Wien, Wien 01). Proof by means of the Abitur (High School Diploma) is not accepted, unless it is explicitly stated in the certificate that the language qualification gives you unrestricted access to study at universities abroad in the respective language area.

If you would like to attend courses in person, you can acquire language skills in the courses run by Goethe University's Language Centre during the semester or as intensive courses in the holidays. You can also attend courses at private language schools. If you wish to learn by yourself, you can do so either at the Language Centre's Multimedia Language Laboratory or online via Campus Language Training (CLT). Both are free of charge for students of Goethe University Frankfurt. If you already have reasonable command of a language and would like to improve it, you can avail yourself of the Language Centre's tandem service. It will match you with students across Europe so that you can help each other to learn your respective languages via video chats. You can find more information on how to acquire language skills on the Global Office's website.

You can substitute proof of language proficiency with a signed declaration affirming that you will present proof of your language skills before the start of your mobility. This signed declaration must be accompanied by a supporting document that clearly shows how you will prove your language skills by the start of your mobility. This proof can be provided, for example, in the shape of a confirmed date for a language exam or proof of a language course completed at the required level by the start of your mobility. Please paste the signed declaration and the supporting document instead of the language certificate into the PDF document that you upload in the application portal.

The language skills you need depend on the partner university's requirements. You can find an overview of language requirements here. Even if the partner university does not require knowledge of the local language, we recommend that you acquire at least basic skills. This will make it easier for you to communicate with your fellow students, find accommodation and take part in intercultural activities in your host country. It will also help you to find your way around more quickly in your host country.

If you cannot present proof of language proficiency before the start of your mobility, we are obliged to cancel it. Please contact us promptly if you have difficulty submitting proof of your language skills by due date.

A maximum sum of €100 can be reimbursed to students for language courses after they have started an Erasmus+ mobility. You can find further information on the Global Office's website. Applications for grants are submitted via Mobility-Online.