Da die Arbeitssprache der DocAG Englisch ist, ist auch die folgende Beschreibung auf Englisch verfasst:

General goals

Research ethics -described as the debate on ethical principles who (should) guide the relationship between researcher and research participants and our work as researchers- is a topic that has been only marginally debated inside German Academia.
Research ethics should be understood as an ongoing process of (self-)reflection during the research process rather than a search for a standardized answer to “moral” dilemmas. It goes way beyond practical issues of data protection, anonymity and the principle of "do no harm" and takes into account several critical issues emerging in the relationship between
researcher and research participants and from the encounter of their positionalities. Research ethics is therefore tightly connected not only with methodological issues but also with the capacity of the researcher to engage in a process of (self-)reflexivity.

Engaging with research ethics means e.g. reflecting on issues such as:

  • How can power inequalities in the research context be recognized andconceptualized in our work?
  • How can we deal with research participants that belong to vulnerable groups while at the same time recognizing and encouraging their agency?
  • How can we deal with personal and trust relationships that establish in the field?
  • How can we manage our position as researchers and what are our role and our responsibilities towards our research participants and towards society in general?
  • What should be the aim of research? Can the interest of researcher, of researchitself and of participants be combined?

We want to create a space for open discussion and (self-)reflexivity on e.g. the above mentioned issues. The aim of the group is to accompany the members in a reflexive process through fieldwork and during the stage of data analysis, to discuss about issues
emerging in the research but also to share, analyze and reflect together on literature that engages with ethical issues, positionality and self-reflexivity in qualitative research. The group should offer an opportunity to combine and take into account various perspectives coming from different streams of literature (e.g. feminist literature, queer and postcolonial literature).

Members and working title of the dissertation

Flaminia Bartolini

Reproductive health in 'illegality'. Undocumented female migrants in Germany and in Italy

Susanne Becker

Sprache und soziale Ungleichheit

Mirjam Tutzer

Postcolonial Governmentality, Subjectivity and Agency: Translation and (Re)formulation of the Bangladeshi Idea of Microfinance in Africa.

Aisha Ahmad

Lebenswelten älterer HIV-infizierter Migrant*innen in Deutschland. Zur Intersektion von Differenzerfahrungen in biografischen Kontext

Johanna Leinius

Solidarity Practices across Difference: Decolonizing Social Movement Alliance-Building in Latin America


Flaminia Bartolini (bartolini.flaminia@gmail.com)


Workshop on current debates about research ethics in the social sciences

December 19th, 2014 Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany

Keynote speaker: Prof. Dr. Hella von Unger (LMU München)

**Click here**for more information on the workshop.